Canadian Grading System (Reasons, FAQs) | 2023

Canadian Grading System

Canadian Grading System: Canada is one of the best countries in the world to live in. This nation is renowned for maintaining a high educational standard throughout all levels of education.

Canada is currently a country with one of the highest numbers of international students.

This is because most colleges and universities in Canada offer fully-funded scholarships that have helped citizens from developing and underdeveloped countries in Africa and other continents of the world study there. 

This article will discuss the top reasons you should look to study in Canada, the Canadian grading system, and several tips for students studying in Canada.

Most Compelling Reasons to Study in Canada

1. Cheap cost of education:

Although Canada boasts several top-class institutions, the school fees for most schools in Canada are very cheap.

Unlike most colleges in the Western world, international students in Canada can complete their education while saving up so much money.

Moreover, several Canadian colleges offer scholarships for international students, making it easy for people to land one, allowing them to complete their studies at almost zero cost.

2. High standards of education

The standard of education in Canada is very high. The degrees obtained in most colleges and schools are recognized globally and are widely known for their research efforts and distinguished faculty members. 

3. Good standard of living

Canada has a standard of living that is better than most Western nations.

The price of food and foodstuffs is relatively cheap in Canada, and there are several job opportunities available in Canada which offer students a chance to make enough money to cater to their needs while going to school. 

4. Student Safety

Canada is one of the safest countries in the world. This country has high-level security technologies providing the highest safety of life and property.

So, as a student in Canada, you can get to enjoy the warm ambiance offered by the city that you are schooling in without worrying about your security, especially at night.

5. Immigration Opportunities:

Canada has become an appealing country for international students because it has immigration policies that are not strict compared to several western countries.

If you are an international student in Canada, it is easy to get a permanent residency after you finish school.

6. A large number of jobs 

Once you graduate from a Canadian college, having a job will be the last thing on your mind because Canada has countless job opportunities.

As a graduate, you can even work for three years if you have a post-graduate work permit (PGWP) once you graduate before you finally obtain your permanent residency. 

What is the Grading system used in Canada?

As a student looking to study in Canada, you need to know the school’s grading system before you even send an application to your preferred Canadian college.

This is because Canadian colleges use a grading system that is not the same as in other nations. Every single province in Canada employs an exclusive grading system.

If you know how grades are given in Canada, it will be easier for you to convert grades from another country into Canadian grades.

Canadian Provincial Grade Framework 

Every province in Canada has its way of grading. Here are the grading systems of Alberta and Quebec, two of the most popular provinces in Canada for education:

1. Alberta Grade Framework 

There are several top-class universities in Alberta province. From King’s University to the University of Alberta, Alberta province boasts some of the very best Canadian colleges.

Here is the grading system employed in Alberta province:

Letter Grade and their percentage

  • A+: 90-100%
  • A: 95-89%
  • A-: 80-84%
  • B+: 77-79%
  • B: 73-76%
  • B-: 70-72%
  • C+: 67-69%
  • C: 63-66%
  • C-: 60-62%
  • D: 55-59%
  • D-: 50-54%
  • F: 0-49%

2. Quebec Grade framework

Quebec province is also another popular study destination for international students in Canada. This province is home to several top-class universities, like the Université de Montréal and Loyola College.

The passing grade for schools in the Quebec province is “C.” Here is the grading system employed by schools in Quebec province:

Letter Grade and their percentage

  • A+: 95-100% (Exceptional)
  • A: 90-94% (Outstanding)
  • A- : 85-89% (Excellent)
  • B+: 80-84% (Very good)
  • B: 75-79% (Good)
  • B-: 70-74% (Average)
  • C+: 65-69% (Satisfactory)
  • C: 60-64% (Pass)
  • C-: 55-59% (Low Pass)
  • D: 0-54% (Fail)

As you read on the “Canadian Grading System,” Check out:

Canada’s Grading System Compared to the UK Grading System 

Canada has a grading system identical to the United Kingdom’s in terms of the letters used to represent academic performance. However, Canadian degrees are segmented into the following groups:

  • First-class Honours (1st)
  • Second class honors, upper division (2:1)
  • Second class honors, lower division (2:2)
  • Third class honors (3rd)
  • Ordinary Degree (pass)

Canadian Grading System: Study tips for students studying in Canada:

Striking a balance between academics and fun is essential for success in any Canadian university.

Even though most Canadian universities have resources and top-notch learning facilities, you still need to work hard to graduate with honors.

You may have a study style that has helped you in college, but here are some recommendations to help you study well and handle stress:

1. Plan ahead:

Planning ahead of time is one of the secrets to academic excellence.

From class, attendance to study time to the time you devote to extracurricular activities, make sure you plan everything before you do it.

One of the best ways to plan effectively is to use a digital planner to manage your day. It will help you manage your time well and keep you from wasting time on things that are not meaningful.

2. Get organized:

Obtain all course materials and study manuals related to all the courses you are studying from the first day you set foot in class.

Organizing yourself early will enable you to plan effectively and develop a study schedule that will allow you to cover the materials before your tests or exams. 

3. Discover a study environment that is ideal for you:

Although the library remains the ideal place to study at any school, it may not be the perfect situation for you.

So, as a student at any Canadian college, ensure that you find a spot that will allow you to study effectively without minimal distractions.

However, always take some breaks between each study session, so you don’t burn out, and switch up your study spots from time to time to keep your brain excited.

4. Devote most of your time to studies:

No matter the activities you engage with while on campus, allocate most of your 24 hours to your studies. This is important because most Canadian colleges have a rigorous learning curriculum.

So, ensure that you read for at least five hours every day, which can be enough for you to cover the materials given out ahead of tests or exams, and take advantage of practice tests while studying, as they will expose you to the pattern of questions that you should expect on the exams or tests.

5. Ask for help:

If you find it difficult to understand the course materials released in class, consult your professors or lecturers immediately in their office.

If they are not always available, you can even go as far as sending them emails that perfectly explain the challenge that you are encountering.

Moreover, you can ask for help tackling challenging study areas from classmates who are well versed in those areas. 

6. Study in a group:

Reading in a group with your classmates is a great way to learn how the Canadian Grading System works. You’ll be able to talk to them and share ideas that will help you do better in school.

7. Manage stress excellently:

Developing the ability to manage stress in school is a very priceless achievement.

Managing the stress that comes with studying is essential because being stressed out in school can reduce the performance capabilities of your brain.

You can manage stress effectively by taking breaks in between each study session and going out from time to time. 

8. Use the school’s resources to your advantage:

From fully-equipped libraries to advanced research centers, Canadian colleges are well furnished with several top-class facilities.

However, these facilities can only impact your educational growth if you use them well. Moreover, ensure that you meet with your academic counselor occasionally; they can be beneficial if you struggle academically.

Frequently Asked Questions on Canadian Grading System

Why is Canadian education so good?

To begin, all Canadian children have access to a first-rate public school system, free of charge, all the way to high school graduation. Second, Canada is home to numerous prestigious post-secondary institutions that provide students with both academic and vocational training.

Can a poor student study in Canada?

Finding a university with affordable tuition rates or working part-time can help you pay for your education in Canada. Scholarships are another means through which one can lessen their financial burden. A wide variety of scholarships are available from a wide range of institutions for students studying abroad.

Why do international students choose Canada?

Canadians and students from other countries who come to study in Canada have a high standard of living. It’s great to live and work there.

Is it easy to get a job in Canada?

Canadian job hunting is challenging, but not impossible. The odds of being invited to apply for permanent residency in Canada are greatly improved if you have a work offer from a Canadian business.


Canada is one of the best study destinations in the world. This country is home to several top-class universities and colleges.

However, Canada employs a grading system different from most European countries and the US.

So, read this article once again and carry out more research to know how GPAs are calculated and how grades are measured in the ten provinces before applying to any Canadian university.

Awesome one; I hope this article answered your question.

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