101+ English Scholarship Exam Questions and Answers (FAQs)

English Scholarship Exam Questions

English Scholarship Exam Questions are a set of challenges to see how good you are at English.

They help decide if you can get special rewards or places in programs. They check things like reading and understanding grammar. It’s a chance to show off your English skills.

This article provides a list of questions and answers to help test your knowledge of English in preparation for a scholarship exam.

What are English Scholarship Exam Questions?

English Scholarship Exam Questions are a series of questions specifically designed to test a student’s proficiency, understanding, and application of the English language and literature.

They assess various aspects such as grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, literary analysis, and more to award scholarships based on merit.

English Scholarship Exam Questions

1. Which is the plural form of ‘mouse’?
A. Mouses
B. Mouse’s
C. Mice
D. Mousee
Answer: C. Mice

2. Which word is an antonym for ‘ancient’?
A. Old
B. Modern
C. Elderly
D. Archaic
Answer: B. Modern

3. Identify the verb in this sentence: “The sun shines brightly.”
A. Sun
B. Brightly
C. Shines
D. The
Answer: C. Shines

4. Which sentence is written in passive voice?
A. The cat chased the mouse.
B. They are playing soccer.
C. A letter was written by Jane.
D. He drives the car.
Answer: C. A letter was written by Jane.

5. Identify the correct spelling:
A. Recieve
B. Recive
C. Receive
D. Recieeve
Answer: C. Receive

6. Which of these words is a palindrome?
A. Dog
B. Hello
C. Madam
D. Cat
Answer: C. Madam

7. Which word can be used to replace ‘nice’ in this sentence without changing its meaning: “She has a nice dress.”
A. Pretty
B. Angry
C. Messy
D. Boring
Answer: A. Pretty

8. Which punctuation mark should complete this sentence: “She said _“?
A. ;
B. :
C. “
D. ‘
Answer: C. “

9. Choose the superlative form of the adjective ‘good’.
A. Good
B. Better
C. Gooder
D. Best
Answer: D. Best

10. Which word is not an adverb?
A. Quickly
B. Happily
C. Loud
D. Carefully
Answer: C. Loud

11. Which of these is not a conjunction?
A. And
B. But
C. Angrily
D. Or
Answer: C. Angrily

12. Which sentence is a question?
A. The sky is blue.
B. Close the door.
C. How old are you?
D. I am going to the market.
Answer: C. How old are you?

13. Which word is an abstract noun?
A. Tree
B. Mountain
C. Honesty
D. City
Answer: C. Honesty

14. Identify the preposition in this sentence: “She is sitting beside the window.”
A. She
B. Sitting
C. Beside
D. Window
Answer: C. Beside

15. Which word correctly completes the sentence: “If I _ known, I would have come earlier.”
A. Had
B. Have
C. Would
D. Know
Answer: A. Had

16. Which of these words is spelled incorrectly?
A. Definitely
B. Separately
C. Accross
D. Beautiful
Answer: C. Accross

17. Which of the following sentences uses the word ‘their’ correctly?
A. Their is my book on the table.
B. I think their coming to the party.
C. Their house is just around the corner.
D. I can’t find their.
Answer: C. Their house is just around the corner.

18. Identify the main subject in this sentence: “The tall man in the black suit sang a beautiful song.”
A. Tall
B. Song
C. Suit
D. Man
Answer: D. Man

19. Which sentence is written in the future perfect tense?
A. She writes a letter.
B. She has written a letter.
C. She will have written a letter.
D. She wrote a letter.
Answer: C. She will have written a letter.

20. What is the adverb in this sentence: “She read the book quickly.”
A. She
B. Read
C. Book
D. Quickly
Answer: D. Quickly

21. Which of the following is an oxymoron?
A. Tiny giant
B. Sweet and sour
C. Wooden silver
D. Old news
Answer: A. Tiny giant

22. Which word should be used to fill in the blank: “The weather is too cold, _?
A. does it
B. doesn’t it
C. isn’t it
D. is it
Answer: C. isn’t it

23. Identify the metaphor in this sentence: “The world is a stage.”
A. World
B. Is
C. A
D. Stage
Answer: D. Stage

24. Which word is NOT a pronoun?
A. She
B. They
C. Jump
D. It
Answer: C. Jump

25. Which of the following sentences is an example of a simile?
A. The sky is blue.
B. He runs like the wind.
C. Her voice is honey.
D. Time is money.
Answer: B. He runs like the wind.

English Scholarship Exam Questions

26. What is the correct plural form of ‘cactus’?
A. Cactuses
B. Cacti
C. Cactus’s
D. Cactusus
Answer: B. Cacti

27. Identify the past participle in the sentence: “She has danced since morning.”
A. Has
B. Danced
C. Since
D. Morning
Answer: B. Danced

28. Which of the following is an interjection?
A. And
B. But
C. Oh!
D. Because
Answer: C. Oh!

29. Which of these words is NOT a modal verb?
A. Can
B. Will
C. Dance
D. Must
Answer: C. Dance

30. What is the correct contraction for ‘they are’?
A. They’re
B. Their
C. There
D. The’re
Answer: A. They’re

31. Which of these is an example of onomatopoeia?
A. Shine
B. Whisper
C. Boom
D. Sweet
Answer: C. Boom

32. Which word should be used to fill in the blank: “If I were _ I would go.”
A. You
B. Your
C. You’re
D. Yours
Answer: A. You

33. Identify the correct indirect speech for: “She said, ‘I am going to school’.”
A. She said she was going to school.
B. She says she was going to school.
C. She said she is going to school.
D. She says she is going to school.
Answer: A. She said she was going to school.

34. What type of noun is ‘swimming’ in the sentence: “Swimming is a good exercise.”?
A. Proper noun
B. Abstract noun
C. Collective noun
D. Gerund
Answer: D. Gerund

35. Which word is the superlative form of ‘bad’?
A. Baddest
B. Worse
C. Badly
D. Worst
Answer: D. Worst

36. What punctuation is missing in the following sentence? “Shes the captain of the team”
A. Comma
B. Period
C. Apostrophe
D. Exclamation point
Answer: C. Apostrophe

37. Which of the following words is a homophone for ‘flower’?
A. Flour
B. Flair
C. Floor
D. Flare
Answer: A. Flour

38. Identify the adjective in this sentence: “The loud noise startled everyone.”
A. The
B. Loud
C. Noise
D. Startled
Answer: B. Loud

39. Which of the following words is NOT a coordinating conjunction?
A. For
B. Because
C. Nor
D. Yet
Answer: B. Because

40. Which of the following is a declarative sentence?
A. What time is it?
B. Close the door!
C. I love chocolate.
D. Would you like some tea?
Answer: C. I love chocolate.

41. What is the correct pronoun to fill in the blank? “Each of the students should submit _ assignment.”
A. Their
B. Its
C. His or her
D. There
Answer: C. His or her

42. Identify the word that is NOT an adverb in the following sentence: “She quickly ran outside because it suddenly began to rain heavily.”
A. Quickly
B. Outside
C. Suddenly
D. Heavily
Answer: B. Outside

43. Which of the following sentences is an imperative sentence?
A. What a beautiful sunset!
B. The birds are singing.
C. Please close the window.
D. How old are you?
Answer: C. Please close the window.

44. Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?
A. He sings a song.
B. He sang a song.
C. He is singing a song.
D. He has sung a song.
Answer: C. He is singing a song.

45. Which of the following is NOT a determiner?
A. That
B. A
C. Swiftly
D. These
Answer: C. Swiftly

46. Which sentence contains an indirect object?
A. She gave him a book.
B. The ball is red.
C. They went to the park.
D. She sings beautifully.
Answer: A. She gave him a book.

47. Which of the following is the correct possessive form for a singular noun ending in ‘s’?
A. Boss’s
B. Bosses’
C. Boss’
D. Bosss
Answer: A. Boss’s

48. Which word correctly completes the sentence: “Neither John _ Peter is responsible for the mess.”
A. Or
B. Nor
C. And
D. With
Answer: B. Nor

49. Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?
A. The cat chased the mouse.
B. The letter was written by John.
C. Mary sings a beautiful song.
D. He drives the car fast.
Answer: B. The letter was written by John.

50. Which of the following is a synonym for “benevolent”?
A. Malicious
B. Kind
C. Lazy
D. Rude
Answer: B. Kind

English Scholarship Exam Questions

51. What does the prefix ‘un-‘ mean in the word ‘undo’?
A. Above
B. Twice
C. Not
D. After
Answer: C. Not

52. Which of the following words is an antonym for “brief”?
A. Long
B. Short
C. Small
D. Minor
Answer: A. Long

53. Which punctuation mark is used to indicate a pause in a sentence?
A. Period
B. Comma
C. Exclamation point
D. Colon
Answer: B. Comma

54. In which sentence is the word “lead” used as a noun?
A. I will lead the team to victory.
B. The pencil has a broken lead.
C. Please lead the way.
D. She leads a happy life.
Answer: B. The pencil has a broken lead.

55. Which of these is a collective noun?
A. Bunch
B. Dog
C. Road
D. Lovely
Answer: A. Bunch

56. Which of the following sentences has a dangling modifier?
A. Having finished dinner, the movie was started.
B. The teacher praised the student who worked hard.
C. Driving quickly, he reached the station.
D. With determination, she completed the marathon.
Answer: A. Having finished dinner, the movie was started.

57. Which of the following sentences is a complex sentence?
A. I love pizza, and I like pasta.
B. Although it rained, we played outside.
C. She read the book.
D. What a beautiful day!
Answer: B. Although it rained, we played outside.

58. What does the idiom “break a leg” mean?
A. To injure one’s leg
B. To dance energetically
C. To wish someone good luck
D. To stop doing something
Answer: C. To wish someone good luck.

59. Which of the following words is a palindrome (reads the same forward and backward)?
A. Novel
B. Racecar
C. Read
D. Book
Answer: B. Racecar

60. In which of the following sentences is the word “fair” used as an adjective?
A. I went to the county fair.
B. She has fair skin.
C. They play fair in every game.
D. I paid my fair for the bus.
Answer: B. She has fair skin.

61. Which of the following is NOT a type of poem?
A. Sonnet
B. Limerick
C. Epic
D. Riddle
Answer: D. Riddle

62. Identify the verb in this sentence: “The beautiful flowers bloom in spring.”
A. Beautiful
B. Flowers
C. Bloom
D. Spring
Answer: C. Bloom

63. Which of the following is the feminine form of “duke”?
A. Duchess
B. Lady
C. Queen
D. Princess
Answer: A. Duchess

64. Which of the following words means “a fear of heights”?
A. Hydrophobia
B. Claustrophobia
C. Acrophobia
D. Arachnophobia
Answer: C. Acrophobia

65. Identify the adverb in this sentence: “She sang beautifully at the concert.”
A. Sang
B. Beautifully
C. Concert
D. At
Answer: B. Beautifully

66. What does the prefix ‘micro-‘ mean?
A. Large
B. Small
C. Many
D. Few
Answer: B. Small

67. Which sentence correctly uses ‘whose’ in it?
A. Whose going to the store later?
B. I wonder whose book this is.
C. The team, whose playing now, is winning.
D. Whose shoes are these?
Answer: B. I wonder whose book this is.

68. In which sentence is the word “content” used as an adjective?
A. The box’s content spilled out.
B. He seems content with the results.
C. The content of the book is extensive.
D. I don’t agree with the content.
Answer: B. He seems content with the results.

69. What is the correct comparative form of “bad”?
A. Baddest
B. Badder
C. Worse
D. Badly
Answer: C. Worse

70. Which of the following is NOT a vowel?
A. A
B. E
C. Y
D. U
Answer: C. Y

71. Which of the following is a compound word?
A. Happy
B. Sunflower
C. Swim
D. Bright
Answer: B. Sunflower

72. What is the main function of a conjunction in a sentence?
A. To express action
B. To describe something
C. To connect words, phrases, or clauses
D. To replace a noun
Answer: C. To connect words, phrases, or clauses.

73. Which of the following is a first-person pronoun?
A. He
B. They
C. Us
D. I
Answer: D. I

74. In the word “unhappiness”, what is “un-“?
A. A suffix
B. A prefix
C. A root word
D. An adjective
Answer: B. A prefix

75. Which of these is the correct way to start a formal letter?
A. Yo!
B. Hey there,
C. Dear Sir/Madam,
D. What’s up?
Answer: C. Dear Sir/Madam,

English Scholarship Exam Questions

76. Which sentence is written in the future perfect tense?
A. He eats an apple.
B. He will have eaten an apple.
C. He ate an apple.
D. He is eating an apple.
Answer: B. He will have eaten an apple.

77. Which of the following words is spelled correctly?
A. Accomodate
B. Acommodate
C. Accommodate
D. Acomodate
Answer: C. Accommodate

78. Identify the main verb in the following sentence: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
A. Quick
B. Fox
C. Jumps
D. Over
Answer: C. Jumps

79. Which of the following sentences is in the active voice?
A. The cake was eaten by the children.
B. The homework is completed by her every day.
C. The dog chased the cat.
D. A song will be sung by her at the party.
Answer: C. The dog chased the cat.

80. Which of the following is an example of alliteration?
A. Sally sells sea shells by the seashore.
B. The early bird catches the worm.
C. Birds of a feather flock together.
D. A picture paints a thousand words.
Answer: A. Sally sells sea shells by the seashore.

81. Which of the following is NOT an example of an abstract noun?
A. Love
B. Happiness
C. Tree
D. Courage
Answer: C. Tree

82. Which of the following phrases means “to work hard”?
A. Hit the sack
B. Break a leg
C. Burn the midnight oil
D. Pull someone’s leg
Answer: C. Burn the midnight oil

83. Which of these is NOT a determiner?
A. Those
B. My
C. Ran
D. Several
Answer: C. Ran

84. Which word correctly completes the sentence: “The children _ playing in the park.”
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
Answer: B. are

85. What does the idiom “kick the bucket” mean?
A. To kick a pail
B. To create noise
C. To die
D. To start a new task
Answer: C. To die

86. Which of the following words has the correct plural form?
A. Sheeps
B. Cacti
C. Tooths
D. Mans
Answer: B. Cacti

87. Which of the following sentences is an example of a simile?
A. Time flies.
B. He is as brave as a lion.
C. The world is a stage.
D. She has a heart of stone.
Answer: B. He is as brave as a lion.

88. Which word is the antonym of “ancient”?
A. Old
B. Modern
C. Past
D. Antique
Answer: B. Modern

89. Which of the following is NOT an interjection?
A. Wow!
B. Alas!
C. Therefore
D. Oops!
Answer: C. Therefore

90. Which of the following is the correct contraction for “they are”?
A. Their
B. They’re
C. There
D. Their’s
Answer: B. They’re

91. Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?
A. I wrote a letter.
B. The song was sung by the choir.
C. She runs fast.
D. They are playing football.
Answer: B. The song was sung by the choir.

92. What does the word “benevolent” mean?
A. Evil
B. Uncaring
C. Kind-hearted
D. Neutral
Answer: C. Kind-hearted

93. Which of the following words is a homophone for “flour”?
A. Flower
B. Flow
C. Flair
D. Flare
Answer: A. Flower

94. Identify the preposition in the following sentence: “The cat sat under the table.”
A. Cat
B. Sat
C. The
D. Under
Answer: D. Under

95. Which of the following is NOT a type of poem?
A. Sonnet
B. Trilogy
C. Limerick
D. Haiku
Answer: B. Trilogy

96. What does the word “ambiguous” mean?
A. Clear
B. Ambitious
C. Unclear or open to multiple interpretations
D. Active
Answer: C. Unclear or open to multiple interpretations

97. Which of the following sentences correctly uses “its” and “it’s”?
A. Its raining outside and the dog is wagging it’s tail.
B. It’s raining outside and the dog is wagging its tail.
C. Its a beautiful day and the cat found it’s toy.
D. It’s toy is lost and its sad.
Answer: B. It’s raining outside and the dog is wagging its tail.

98. What should you use to join two closely related independent clauses?
A. Comma
B. Exclamation mark
C. Semicolon
D. Question mark
Answer: C. Semicolon

99. Which of these words is an example of an oxymoron?
A. Thundering silence
B. Rapidly slow
C. Scalding cold
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above

100. What is the plural form of “cactus”?
A. Cactuses
B. Cacti
C. Cactus’s
D. Cactoos
Answer: B. Cacti

101. Which of the following is NOT a proper noun?
A. Paris
B. River
C. Shakespeare
D. Monday
Answer: B. River

102. What is the main purpose of a thesis statement in an essay?
A. To summarize the conclusion
B. To introduce the topic and state the main point
C. To list the references used
D. To entertain the reader
Answer: B. To introduce the topic and state the main point.

FAQs on “English Scholarship Exam Questions”

What are English Scholarship Exam Questions?

English Scholarship Exam Questions are a set of questions specifically designed to test a student’s proficiency, comprehension, and aptitude in the English language. These questions often cover grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and other areas of English literature and language studies to evaluate a student’s potential for higher-level English studies.

Why are these questions important for students?

English Scholarship Exam Questions are crucial as they help determine a student’s readiness and eligibility for certain scholarships or advanced placements in English programs. Scoring well on these questions may lead to financial aid, recognition, or entry into elite English courses or institutions.

How can students best prepare for English Scholarship Exam Questions?

Students can best prepare by regularly reading diverse English literature to enhance vocabulary and comprehension.

Are English Scholarship Exam Questions standardized?

While many institutions might follow a similar format or structure, no standard questions exist. Each scholarship or institution might have unique questions based on its criteria and the level of proficiency it aims to assess. It’s always best to consult with the specific organization or school offering the scholarship for specific details.


English Scholarship Exam Questions test your English skills to see if you qualify for special awards or placements.

They cover reading, grammar, and more. Doing well can lead to great opportunities. So, preparing well and giving it your best shot is a good idea.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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