How Long Does It Take To Learn C++? (Quick answer)

How Long Does It Take To Learn C++

Do you want to learn C++? but feel that it will take the whole world? Don’t worry, this article will explain “How long it takes to learn C++“, “Difficulty in C++” and how to learn C++ faster.

C++ is a language that emanates from the C language, a low-level language with various uses. This language was the base of both the Linux kernel and python language.

It is called a low-level because it has relative proximity to the computer’s hardware. However, the farther a language moves away from assembly code, the higher the level of that code.

The C++ was designed to combine the major features of C and that of a high-level language. It was initially said to be or referred to as C with classes. However, over the years C++ has accumulated various uses such as designing video games, autonomous driving, etc.

It is one of the most popular compiled languages, making it faster than other languages such as Java and Python.
However, the question is, how long does it take to learn c++?; let’s consider if C++ is hard, and then we conclude on how long it takes.

How Long Does It Take To Learn C++?

Is C++ Hard To Learn?

“Is C++ difficult” is the question on every reader or prospective programmer’s mind. However, there is no right or wrong answer to this question.

Great teachers think that, in truth, no subject is complex or easy; it all depends on certain important factors such as previous education, background, experience, etc.

This invariably means that if we get all these basic factors sorted out in the right direction, we can find c++ easy. However, it is no doubt that C++ is generally perceived and seen to be way more complex than another language level.

This difficulty can be attributed to the programming paradigm, as higher-level languages are designed to be easier than lower-level ones.

For instance, Java and Python tend to hide their complexity from the user; while this is a plus, it can also be factored in as a defect, making higher-level language less flexible.

How Long Does It Take To Learn C++?

Low-level language vs. High-level language

The basic difference between a low-level language and a high-level language can be likened to the activities at a small production room.

If the production involves several people, the chemist or chemical engineer is only concerned with making a specific reaction occur.

Other workers do other jobs like cleaning, washing, drying, etc. However, in a scenario where things are not like this, the chemist/chemical engineer has to do all the work, including cleaning, washing, etc.

The first being a high-level language illustration and the other a low-level language. This begins to give us ideas of how both languages work.

C++ having several characteristics of low-level language similar to those of C, also displays some high-level characteristics such as supporting object-oriented programming. Due to this borderline position of C++, it is often referred to as a mid-level language.

C++ can be said to be a hybrid, although this comes with certain strengths and weaknesses.

Some might say its syntax is not difficult to learn, especially for C programmers. However, its versatility, flexibility, and how powerful it is makes it often difficult to learn.

But, let’s consider some things that make c++ look difficult.

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How Long Does It Take To Learn C++? (Difficulty in C++)

Memory Management

The way data structures are created in c++, and other high-level languages are quite different. These data structures are usually physically allocated to an address in memory.

However, in a high-level language, the memory manager does that job and relieves our stress. In c++ we tend to do more resources management and may often involve assigning a variable for use and designing a variable when no longer in use.

Managing memory is a very intricate job. If proper care is not taken, we may have a variable merely occupying space without any work being done by it. This is called a memory leak.

If this memory leak continues over some time, the entire system will crash.


This topic seems to be a medium of immense confusion for many C++ freshers. Pointers are seen as variables that contain the addresses of other variables.

The presence of a pointer is a big advantage that you should take advantage of. You can operate with a pointer (your variable’s address) without using the variable itself.

This makes programming more accessible, more efficient and C++ is all about efficiency; pointers are used quite a lot in C++ programs.

Handling pointers in the wrong way can again lead to memory issues. Imagine knowing the pointer but forgetting the variable, or the other way round.

Read on: How Long Does It Take To Learn C++?

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The original design of C++, it to designed to be a C program with classes. Programmers who have learnt the C language or any other object-oriented language will find this program very easy and interesting.

Classes are bedrocks for complex data types known as objects. They come with all kinds of attributes and functions.

Whenever you create a class, you create a new object that comes ready with all the functionality. Classes are important for great modular code.


Every c++ program has to be run somewhere; that space where most c++ programs are executed is called a compiler. The compiler is a translator that converts scripts to language that is understandable by the computer.

Several compilers correspond to various operating systems. Writing C++ code in an interactive development environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio or Eclipse; will already include a C++ compiler.


Programmers who have shifted from Python or other programs to c++ may have to adapt to its typing needs. The c++ being strongly typed, the typing on Python if duck-typing.

Strongly typed code has a great advantage over its counterpart because it is self-documenting.

However, in Python, you often need to write a docstring detailing what types of arguments your function accepts and what it returns; in C++, all this information is conveyed in the function itself.


Generally, as it is stated that it is not easy, but it is also not difficult to learn C++. However, there will be a need to overcome the above-listed obstacles because that determines how fast or slow you learn the program.

There is no specified time to complete the learning process; it all boils down to the programmer’s desire and learning speed.

Awesome one; I hope this article answered your question.

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