Intrapersonal learner (Major tips about this learning style)

Intrapersonal learner
Intrapersonal learner

One of the learning styles that seems like it is made for introverts is that of “Intrapersonal learning”. An intrapersonal learner has characteristics similar to that of an introvert which includes: the feeling to always stay alone, not being comfortable in a group and not even speaking up about anything.

An “Intrapersonal learner” is the opposite of an interpersonal learner who loves to connect and meet people, is very comfortable around crowds and loves to contribute to an ongoing motion.

In this article, I will be explaining who an intrapersonal learner is, their characteristics, and tips on how to succeed as an intrapersonal learner.

Who is an Intrapersonal learner?

An Intrapersonal learner, also known as a Solitary learner, is an independent learner who loves to learn and work on his/her own, within a space.

These are people that feel uncomfortable learning with a large crowd because of their shyness and goal-oriented nature.

Some people say they are more like introverts because of the shy and personal lifestyle, and as such, they are ambitious and hardworking because they can spend a huge amount of time studying to learn about a specific topic within their space.

Features of Intrapersonal learners

  • They are usually self-aware and self-motivated.
  • They know their academic strengths and weaknesses, thus they work within that space.
  • Intrapersonal learners always want their space and comfort, and thus do not want any form of intrusion into their privacy.
  • Because of their self-awareness, they know what they want and will always go for it.
  • They are not good with having people around, hence they find it difficult to open up to people.
  • Intrapersonal learners are not comfortable with class activities like answering questions in class, thus preferring to keep the answers to themselves and producing during exams.

What do Intrapersonal learners like?

A solitary learner would prefer a subject that doesn’t require interaction or corporation like Math to a cooperating subject like Drama.

They love a space where they can calculate or think alone, and sometimes seek for free time where they can work and think alone.

One of the major courses they enjoy is “Creative Writing”. This is because this course allows them the space to write the way they feel and helps bring out the creativity in them.

In a college setting, they prefer to take the course outline of a course and read their textbooks at home where they set their goals, have their quiet space and comfortability.

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How to teach an Intrapersonal learner?

Give them their Space:

Make provisions for textbooks and online courses they can use to learn when they are in their space.

These provisions could be reference points where they can have full access to their course and also have access point to the teacher if need be.

On the other hand, make room for independent research such that they have to a research on their own without a partner or an assistant who would watch over them.

Have a Journal:

As a teacher/tutor who has an intrapersonal learner, you have to teach him/her to have a journal. The work of the journal is to keep record of his/her day to day progress and achievements.

The journal also serves as a form of expressing themselves through writing. He/she can write all they’ve learnt through the day and keep track of their daily goals.

Goal Setting:

As an intrapersonal learner, goal setting will play a vital role in helping you work within your space and at your pace.

When you set goals, putting into consideration your love for your space, you would tailor your goals to suite your preferences and time as well as helps you organize your space be convenient for your study.

It also ensures you make use of time judiciously.

Examples of Intrapersonal Skills:

Intrapersonal learners usually possess most of the skills listed below:

  • Self-awareness
  • Self confidence
  • Time management
  • Dedication etc.


Intrapersonal learners enjoy the freedom of being in their space and working at their own pace. They have friends, but they keep friends that are just like them, having the same mentality and ideology just like they do.

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