33+ Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

Sincere gratitude is just one of many wonderful emotions.

Appreciating the positive aspects of our lives and giving thanks for what we have is at the heart of this concept.

Practicing gratitude entails pausing to reflect on and be thankful for blessings such as shelter, sustenance, water, companionship, and even technological conveniences like computers.

As Cicero rightly puts it, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.”

So being grateful is a habit everyone, including elementary students, should always maintain.

Kids can quickly learn to show gratitude if they read books about it. This article will discuss some of the best books about gratitude for elementary students.

1. Gratitude is My Superpower

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

Gratitude is My Superpower is one of the best books about gratitude and is highly recommended for elementary students.

This book teaches children to be grateful for everything, whether small or big.

Little Betsy, the main character in this book, develops the habit of being thankful for everyone and everything in her life when she comes across a magic stone.

She recognizes that she is endowed with the power of gratitude, which is rare.

2. Grateful Ninja

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

The Grateful Ninja is one of the best books about gratitude for elementary school students.

Written by Mary Nhin, this book is the story of a Ninja who develops the habit of thankfulness after encountering a friend.

The Grateful Ninja embarks on a 5-day gratitude challenge where he concentrates on being grateful for the basic gifts that have come to him.

This book will motivate any kid to be grateful for things that come their way.

3. Thankful

Thankful is a book about a small girl who gets to pen down some things for which she is grateful at first sight of snow.

The little girl is grateful for several things, from her friends to those around her.

Thankful is a book that teaches children to be grateful for everything that happens around them.

It also has many pictures that will trigger memories and stimulate their minds.

4. Taylor, the Thankful Turkey

Taylor the Thankful Turkey is another book about gratitude for elementary students. It is a book by Sonica Ellis.

Taylor the Thankful Turkey is a book that exposes elementary students to the perspective that gratitude can be exhibited by actions towards others who have assisted them in one way or another.

This book will develop the confidence and self-esteem of the students and make them better people.

5. Zeg Pig: The Art of Gratitude

Zeg Pig: The Art of Gratitude is a book about gratitude by Mark Brown.

This book is ideal for any elementary school kid who does not know what it means to be grateful and compassionate.

Zeg Pig: The Art of Gratitude is a well-written book with a storyline that will amuse any kid. It is one of the best books about gratitude for elementary students.

6. I Am Thankful (Little Golden Book)

I Am Thankful by Sonali Fry is another book about gratitude for elementary students.

This book will teach any kid to maintain a lifestyle of gratitude throughout their lives.

Moreover, I am Thankful by Sonali Fry has several amazing illustrations that will positively shift any student’s view.

It is highly recommended for any child who has a habit of being ungrateful to those around them.

7. A Little Thankful SPOT

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

A Little Thankful SPOT by Diane Amber is one of the best books about gratitude for kids still in elementary school.

This book teaches children to be kind, respect people, and love people despite their shortcomings, among several other lessons.

Diane Alber’s A Little Thankful SPOT was once among the best-selling books at its release.

This book is about a small yellow SPOT that clearly describes what he is grateful for.

8. Five Little Thank-Yous

Five Little Thank-Yous is another fascinating book to feature on this list of books about gratitude for elementary students. Cindy Jin authors this book.

Five Little Thank-Yous clearly describes the amazing things kids must be grateful for.

It is a fantastic book that parents should get for their kids to enable them to develop the habit of being grateful at all points in their lives.

9. My Attitude of Gratitude

My Attitude of Gratitude by Melissa Winn is a book that teaches elementary students how to be grateful.

In this book, a grandmother teaches her grandchild what to do whenever he does not get his way with his desires.

He teaches him how to make a gratitude jar to keep track of all the nice things that happen to him throughout the day.

My Attitude of Gratitude is a book that will empower students with the character of thankfulness.

My Attitude of Gratitude is more of a bedtime book that kids can read before they sleep.

It will even help equip them with positive energy once awake.

10. What Is Given from the Heart

What Is Given from the Heart is another top-notch book about gratitude that is made for elementary students.

Patricia C. Mckissack wrote this book, and April Harrison made the powerful illustrations.

The storyline of “What Is Given from the Heart” sends a strong message of thankfulness. It also teaches kids how to give from their hearts.

11. I Am Thankful

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

I Am Thankful is a book by Sheri Will that teaches them about the importance of family time and being grateful.

I Am Thankful is a fantastic book about three separate families as they make merry during the holiday.

This book teaches kids to be grateful for everyone around them, perform acts of kindness, and give gifts.

I Am Thankful is one of the best books about gratitude for elementary students.

12. I Turned My Mom Into a Unicorn: A Funny Thankful Story

I Turned My Mom Into a Unicorn by Brenda Li is one of the best books about gratitude and is highly recommended for elementary students.

This book is mindblowing and tells the story of a boy named Ted who thinks about turning his mom into a unicorn for continuously burdening him with lots of responsibilities at home.

However, the book ends in a very intriguing manner.

13. Our Table

You cannot make any list of the best books about gratitude for elementary students without adding Our Table by Peter H. Reynolds.

Violet is eager to go back to the days when her family was so tightly bonded before technology, and several other engagements broke all the bonds they once shared.

Before now, her family used to eat together at one table and talk about their daily experiences, which were quite memorable for her.

However, everything has changed now, and it does not look like things will get better soon.

She intends to push to recreate the lost bond in her family.

This book shares a message that describes the important role that being thankful plays in our lives.

14. My Heart Fills With Happiness

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

My Heart Fills With Happiness is one of the best books about gratitude for elementary students.

Monique Gray Smith writes this book. It has a storyline that will encourage kids to use every happy moment.

The images in this book will help any student understand what it means to be thankful.

15. God Gave Us Thankful Hearts

God Gave Us Thankful Hearts by Lisa Bergen is a book on gratitude highly recommended for elementary students.

The storyline of this book revolves around a little wolf who is taught to be grateful by his mother.

The art illustrations in this book are amazing. It is a book that perfectly describes what it means to be thankful.

16. I am Thankful For…: A Book About Being Grateful!

I am Thankful For…: A Book About Being Grateful by Uncle Amon is one of the best books about gratitude for elementary students.

This book is super fun to read, excellently made for early readers, and contains instructions on showing love, giving, and caring.

Moreover, this book contains stories that are easy to understand and has several amazing pictures for younger readers.

It is also an excellent option for bedtime.

17. Being Thankful (Little Critter)

Being Thankful (Little Critter) by Mercer Mayer is another excellent book about gratitude for elementary school kids that is out there.

This book is about Little Critter, who gets to understand the benefits of being grateful for the good things around him despite what he doesn’t have.

His loving grandma facilitates all of this.

It contains excellent illustrations that will facilitate the understanding of any elementary student and make the book more enjoyable.

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18. Thankful

Thankful is a book on gratitude for elementary students written by renowned author Eileen Spinelli, a bestselling and award-winning author of books for children.

This book teaches children to maintain the habit of gratitude and practice doing things for people.

19. Last Stop on Market Street

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

Last Stop on Market Street is one of the best books about gratitude for elementary students who are currently on the market.

Once church service concludes on Sunday, CJ and his grandmother go on a city tour.

However, CJ starts to feel sad and even complains about several things he does not own and some of the living conditions he is facing.

His devoted grandmother responds to all inquiries promptly and encouragingly, allowing him to see the lovely aspects of his life that he has been blind to.

20. Thank You, Mr. Panda

Thank You, Mr. Panda is a book about gratitude by Steve Anthony. Mr. Panda, known to be a cheerful giver, is gifting every animal friend he has, no matter their size.

However, most animals are unhappy with the type of gift they receive.

However, only the little Lemur is truly grateful that Mr. Panda even gifted him and the other animals in the first place.

Thank You, Mr. Panda also contains lots of amazing illustrations that make it more exciting to read.

21. The Thankful Book

The Thankful Book by Todd Parr is one of the best books about gratitude for elementary school students.

This book exposes children to what they can be thankful for.

From daily activities like reading to bathtime, Todd explains in his book to children why they have many reasons to be grateful.

The Thankful Book will inspire any kid who finds it hard to be grateful to start doing so.

22. Bear Says Thanks

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

Bear Says Thanks by Karma Wilson, and Jean Chapman is another gratitude book for kids.

It tells the story of Bear, who displays gratitude towards his friends by hosting a big dinner for all of them.

This book discusses how we can learn to show love to others and be more caring. It also contains captivating illustrations.

23. Firenze’ Light: A Children’s Book about Gratitude, Compassion, and Appreciation

Firenze’s Light is another excellent piece about gratitude for children. Firenze’s friends cherish her light so much, although Firenze does not see it that way.

However, her light combined with her friend’s artwork gave astonishing results. Any kid who reads this book will also learn to show empathy towards others and be more appreciative.

24. An Awesome Book of Thanks

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

An Awesome Book of Thanks is another amazing book about gratitude for elementary students. It is written by Dallas Clayton.

An Awesome Book of Thanks is a book that will motivate kids to be appreciative of everything they enjoy in life.

This book has an intriguing storyline, and the illustrations are so captivating.

An Awesome Book of Thanks is special and one of the best gratitude books any kid will ever hold.

25. A Sick Day for Amos McGee

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

A Sick Day for Amos McGee is a masterpiece on gratitude by Philip C. Stead.

This book features the story of McGee and his relationship with his friends. Each day, Amos sees his friends at the zoo to engage them and have fun with them.

However, once he fell sick and couldn’t go to the zoo anymore, his friends from the zoo always found time to come around and see him.

A Sick Day for Amos McGee is a book that teaches kids that being caring towards others will always end well.

26. All The World

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

All The World by Liz Seanlon is a fantastic book about gratitude for elementary school students.

Reflecting on a group of loved ones from the beginning of the day to the end, All The World exhibits the significance of all of the beautiful things in life and why we should be grateful that they exist in the first place.

All The World has captivating illustrations that even make the book more exciting.

27. Those Shoes

Those Shoes is a book by Maribeth Bolts. It contains a powerful storyline that teaches kids about gratitude.

Jeremy is demanding a pair of shoes that are trending in his school.

However, his hopes of getting one are almost impossible as his grandmother cannot afford it, and he needs a new pair after his old ones are completely worn out.

Jeremy eventually settles for an undersized thrift shop shoe that is so uncomfortable.

As a result, Jeremy wakes up to the reality that there are several amazing things he has in his life that he has not been grateful for in the past.

28. Gracias/Thanks

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

As the title implies, Gracias/Thanks by Pat Mora is a book that focuses on thankfulness.

Using several poetic lines, a young boy of Mexican origin describes several things happening in his life for which he is completely grateful.

Gracias/Thanks teaches kids to be grateful, and its amazing illustrations make the book lovely.

29. Dr. Seuss’s Thankful Things

Dr. Seuss’s Thankful Things is one of the best books about gratitude for elementary students.

This book is perfect for kids who find it hard to say “thank you” or even “I love you.”

It is written using words that a young child will find easy to understand and contains several illustrations that are pretty captivating for any kid.

30. Grunt the Grizzly Learns To Be Grateful

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

Grunt the Grizzly Learns To Be Grateful is a book that will teach kids to be happy even when things are not going their way.

This book tells the story of a bear who loves complaining, which makes him so irritating.

Fortunately, his wonderful pals teach him to be responsible for his happiness.

This helps him see the bright side of things and escape the negativity.

Grunt understands staying happy is possible even when everything seems out of place.

31. Thank You, Omu!

Thank You, Omu! is one of the best books about gratitude for elementary students. Oge Mora authors it.

Omu makes one of the best stews in the neighborhood, and everyone wants to eat some of Omu’s stew.

Omu ensures that everyone has a portion of her meal, leaving her with nothing.

Thank You, Omu! is a book that will teach kids to always practice selfless giving.  

32. Around The Table That Grandad Built

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

Around The Table That Grandad Built by Melanie Hill is one of the best books about gratitude for elementary students.

This book has a powerful story about groups of people who come together at a table to eat.

Around the Table That Grandad Built has beautiful illustrations that make it more fascinating.

33. Apple Cake: A Gratitude

In this book, a kid gets to show thankfulness for the good things about life that he enjoys every day.

He emphasizes the amazing ingredients that nature has provided to enable his family to make a tasty apple cake.

Apple Cake contains several amazing illustrations. It is one of the best books about gratitude for elementary students.

34. Otis Gives Thanks

Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

Otis Gives Thanks is one of the best books about gratitude for elementary students.

Staying grateful is more of a habit for Otis, who is happy that he lives in a nation that he cherishes and loves the games that he gets to play.

Otis is delighted about his friends and several other things.

Otis Gives Thanks is a book that contains several powerful phrases of thankfulness.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Books About Gratitude For Elementary Students

How do you teach elementary students to be grateful?

You can teach elementary students gratitude by encouraging them to say “thank you” to people who do things for them, encouraging them to volunteer, and asking them to keep a gratitude journal.

What does gratitude mean?

Gratitude means thanking someone for something they did for you or something they did to make you glad.

How can elementary students practice gratitude?

Elementary students can practice gratitude by thinking of at least two things per day that they can be grateful for, gifting people and concentrating more on other people’s objectives than themselves.

How can being grateful affect children?

Staying thankful will help kids feel better, deal with problems, build strong relationships, and improve their overall health.


Being grateful is a habit everyone, including kids, should always maintain.

Kids can quickly learn to show gratitude if they read books about it.

While this article has done well to provide insight into some of the best books about gratitude for elementary students, My First Gratitude Journal, A Very Thankful Prayer, and When Grandma Gives You a Lemon Tree are other amazing options there for kids.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

Editor’s Recommendations:

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