9 Top Hobbies For Ex-Dancers (Reasons, FAQs)

Hobbies For Ex-Dancers

Dancing is both a great art and a great hobby. For ex-dancers that have already engaged in lots of dancing and are now retired, finding a new hobby can be a big challenge.

However, several hobby ideas are highly recommended for ex-dancers. This article serves as a guide to help any ex-dancer take up another hobby.

Top Reasons For Having A Hobby As An Ex-Dancer

Here are the reasons you should take up a different hobby when you quit dancing:

1. Exercise

While a dancer, you exercise your body and mind to keep fit. Your body was trained to be flexible and move in different ways to perform well.

Once you quit dancing, you need another form of exercise to keep your body intact.

Engaging in another hobby will help you immensely and prevent your bones and joints from becoming stiffer as time goes on.

2. Keep your mind healthy

Dance routines keep you active and help you perform different steps with agility.

However, your mind becomes dull when you quit dancing without taking up another hobby.

Though you remember those beautiful steps easily, you might have difficulty remembering important things and entertain negative thoughts.

This is not a healthy way to live.

3. Energy

Vigor comes with dancing.

However, keeping that vigor alive when you quit dancing is important.

High energy helps you increase your endurance by pushing your body to limits it wouldn’t ordinarily reach.

This can only be sustained and improved when you indulge in another hobby. Energy is important when choosing any of the hobbies for ex-dancers.

4. Creativity

Expressing yourself is key to having good mental health.

If dancing is no longer a platform to express yourself, take up another means to explore your creativity.

You never know what else you are good at if you don’t put yourself out there to try new things.

5. Self-esteem

Getting a new hobby gives you a sense of belonging, worth, happiness, and joy.

It helps you recognize your strengths and abilities and helps you put off negative thoughts and feelings.

It also helps you feel accomplished and motivated to keep living.

6. New people

A new hobby allows you to meet other people who are different from those in the dancing world.

You meet folks who appreciate a different art form, and you soon realize the beauty of indulging in other areas of life.

7. Discipline

Lack of discipline can result in ill health. You should take care of your body but not pamper it.

A new hobby helps you retain that discipline of what to eat, when or not to do certain things, etc., just like when you were a dancer.

8. Burn calories

Keeping the body in one place makes it stiff and accumulates calories, leading to unhealthy weight gain.

So, as an ex-dancer, engaging in other hobbies will enable you to burn off unhealthy calories.

9. Physical strength

People who have excellent physical strength don’t tire out easily, even if they don’t have muscles and abs to show.

So, engaging in other hobbies as an ex-dancer will guarantee that.

Engaging Hobbies For An Ex-Dancer

1. Costume making

Costume making, also known as cosplay, involves dressing up like a TV character. As a cosplayer or costume maker, you create costumes that perfectly describe the role of a TV character.

Nowadays, people create a comic character’s costume, wear it, and post it on social media.

Their costume adds flavor to their acting, attracting hits on the like buttons. In countries where Halloween is celebrated, people make and wear their costumes for fun.

There are even competitions where costume makers exhibit their costumes to the world.

Costume making is a skilled hobby that requires creativity, as there are no limits or guidelines. Moreover, it is one of the popular hobbies for ex-dancers.

2. Fashion Designing

Fashion designing is another engaging hobby for ex-dancers. You can begin by making your clothes and then selling them to others.

With some good research, you can also create a beautiful style for a glamorous outfit.

Fashion design is about exploring your creativity, thinking outside the box, and producing something worth wearing with your hands on a sewing machine.

Moreover, you can attend fashion shows to access current trends and adopt some of these trends into your fashion ideas.

The good thing about fashion designing is that it can be a sole hobby for you, where you can make your dresses to boost your self-confidence and make others admire them, or you can make it a business you enjoy doing.

3. Makeup

Makeup is an art form that can help you look and feel good. It is a great way to make yourself happy with your looks.

You work with your mind and hands to achieve a better look when engaging in make-up.

It gives you a sense of accomplishment to know that you can add value to someone else’s life. Continuous practice will make your hands, feet, and body stronger.

4. Photography

Taking pictures helps you see things from a new perspective. Things you see every day can be much more beautiful than they seem.

You can travel to places and take pictures of the beautiful scenery, artifacts, and cultures there.

You tell a story differently by exploring the various camera angles and shots.

It keeps your mind and imagination active as you constantly think of new ways to tell a story through your pictures.

Moreover, photography helps develop your patience as you must wait for the right moment to take that nice shot.

It is also a good way to make history, cherish, or keep memories that cannot be repeated.

4. Knitting

This is a soothing hobby that helps you relieve stress. You can make nice clothes for yourself using yarn or wool.

The whole knitting process occupies your mind and helps you ponder positive thoughts as you meditate while engaging your hands.

5. Skydiving

If you are one to get afraid easily, you need this courage-inducing sport. It involves jumping out of an airplane and landing with a parachute.

When faced with life difficulties, this is a good hobby to activate that adrenaline rush and relieve that tension.

Since we can’t fly like birds, this is the closest feeling we have to fly, and it comes with excitement. Skydiving is one of the popular hobbies for ex-dancers.

6. Playing an instrument

Making your music is a great feeling.

It takes time and effort to learn to play an instrument, whether the guitar or the violin, which stimulates discipline in you.

Playing an instrument also boosts your memory since you must master certain keys to produce good sounds.

Instrument playing is another excellent hobby for ex-dancers.

7. Swimming

Swimming is body movements in the water that help you stay afloat and refreshed. It also improves body flexibility as you experiment with different strokes under the water.

Moreover, swimming helps your skin by opening up your pores, making you look fresh.

This will make you happy and satisfied. 

8. DJing

DJing is a hobby where you mix songs to create a smooth music flow. It is one of the popular hobbies for ex-dancers.

When you engage in this activity, you add value to your audience by making them happily swing their bodies to the flow of your music.

You also make music come alive and give it a different feel by blending it with your technical skills to fit the occasion.

It is a good cure for depression.

9. Graphic Designing

With your computer, you can create beautiful flyers, cards, and designs in your spare time.

This skill, which can also be a hobby, requires you to be attentive to detail and generate ideas that will soothe your audience.

Graphic design is a hobby that helps you learn good typography, how to use different apps, do good research, and come up with good ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Hobbies for ex-dancers

What are the best hobbies to have? 

The best hobbies to have are ones that keep you creative, ones that keep you physically healthy, and ones that enable you to make some extra cash.

What are the most productive hobbies?

The most productive hobbies are reading, cooking, painting, writing, gardening, drawing, and yoga.

What are the hobbies that make you happy and smart?

The hobbies that make you happy and smart are photography, meditation, gardening, writing, drawing, and painting.

What are the skills that hobbies would develop in you?

The skills that hobbies would develop in you are communication, presentation, leadership, sales, patience, and analytical ability.


Being an ex-dancer is not the end of the road to being energetic, creative, and fit.

You can keep the fire burning by exploring any of the hobbies listed above to expose yourself to a new thrill other than the one you experienced while dancing.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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