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15+ Ways to Get Paid to Listen to People’s Problems | 2023

We often listen to our friends and family talk about things that trouble them…for free!

What if I told you that you could take listening to people talk about their problems as a job and, like every job, get paid for it?

I bet you are intrigued right now!

Even if you may be puzzled, don’t doubt this because it is as real as any other job.

There are instances when a person may be unable to cope independently. Situations where such persons want to share what is troubling them with others. 

As a way to alleviate their stress, this may be the case. They may want to talk to others, believing they can acquire advice from them to help them solve their problems.

So, if you often hear people talk about what is bothering them, here is your chance to learn how you can monetize your listening skills. 

What is Listening?

Listening means picking out individual speech sounds and combining them to form words and phrases.

Our brains interpret raw data from sound waves (letters, stress, rhythm, and pauses) as meaningful messages.

To acquire information from others, it helps to have good listening abilities. These abilities are crucial for successful communication in the professional setting.

Listening improves your comprehension and communication skills and makes conversing with you more pleasurable for the other person.

Can You Get Paid to Listen to People’s Problems?

Yes, you can get paid to listen to people’s problems. This can be done in a variety of ways. Some may be more straightforward than others.

While some jobs may only require advanced qualifications, most of these jobs require as simple as a high school diploma or GED; a few others necessitate a bachelor’s degree or above.

It’s not as simple as it appears to handle a job like this. An excellent listener is needed for this position.

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How to Get Paid to Listen to People’s Problems (Professionally):

Here are some ideas for earning money by listening to people’s problems:

1. Therapist/Psychologist:

Therapists and psychologists listen to their clients talk about their problems, feelings, and thoughts to help them deal with their mental and emotional issues.

The education requirement is a bachelor’s degree in psychology, social work, or similar. Often, a license is also needed.

2. Life Coach:

Life coaches work with people to help them reach their personal or business goals.

One of the ways they do this is by listening to their problems. Certifications from coaching schools aren’t always needed, but they can help build credibility.

3. Social Worker:

A social worker is a trained professional who works with vulnerable people, groups, and towns to help them learn how to live better.

Social workers help and support people who are going through hard times. Part of what they do is listen to their problems.

A bachelor’s degree in social work and a license from the state are prerequisites.

NB: The primary responsibility of a social worker is to listen to the issues of others and then assist them in finding solutions or coping mechanisms.

This program aims to provide those with emotional and behavioral problems a sense of inclusion in society.

4. Psychic

A psychic says they can find information that can’t be seen or heard with their normal senses.

Some people who are having problems go to psychics. This is less common and not backed by science, but it is a job where you listen to people’s issues.

Also, you don’t need formal schooling, but building a good reputation is important.

5. Human Resources Professional

HR experts often listen to employees’ problems, worries, and disagreements to help make the workplace a healthy place to work.

Usually, you need a degree in human resources or a related area, and you might also need a certification.

6. Customer Service:

Several customer support services platforms need customer support agents or, as some know it, customer care agents.

To make money from this job, prepare to accommodate people who bring their issues to your desk and wait for you to provide solutions. 

7. Occupational Therapist:

Occupational therapy (OT) is a branch of medicine concerned with restoring a patient’s functional abilities through participation in meaningful jobs, or everyday activities.

They help people with physical or mental problems by listening to their worries and teaching them skills they can use to live a full life.

8. Relationship Coach:

A relationship coach helps people and couples learn important skills for getting along with each other, especially in marriages and other romantic relationships.

Relationship coaches help you learn how to deal with conflicts and give you tools to increase intimacy and pleasure in your relationships.

They listen to their clients’ problems with their relationships and advise them on how to deal with them.

How to Get Paid to Listen to People’s Problems (Online):

You can make money by listening to people’s issues online in any of these jobs:

1. Become a virtual friend:

If you are a good listener and a social person, this is an excellent way to earn money with your abilities.

You can make money as a virtual companion to those requiring your services on several websites.

Once you’ve successfully signed up for one of such sites and created an account, you’ll receive requests from people needing your help.

You can also choose what you want to accomplish on these sites. The type of clients you get will be determined by your capabilities description.

2. Make use of Listener:

The Listener app is an online platform that allows you to put your listening skills to good use.

You get paid to listen to people’s concerns while staying within your comfort zone as a Listener.

You need to download the app, sign up, create a profile, and specify your availability hours to earn money by listening to your client’s issues.

If you can flow with any form of talk, you can leave the app open and choose the topics you are comfortable with.

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3. Make use of Fiverr:

Fiverr is a website that allows you to receive the services you need while simultaneously allowing you to advertise the services you offer.

You may be hundreds of people earning money on Fiverr by listening and conversing with others. This platform enables you to provide this service in various unique ways.

4. Create an account on FriendPC:

One of the methods to get money by listening to people’s issues is through FriendPC.

You can make money on FriendPC by talking to someone looking for a buddy. You are free to use practically any mode of communication available.

Read more: 12 Ways to Get Paid to go to School (Online/Offline)

How to Get Paid to Listen to People’s Problems (Offline):

1. Counselor at a school:

Like adults, children and teenagers might benefit from the support of others, or they can want to talk about their issues.

The ideal candidate for this position is adept at working with children and teenagers and has experience dealing with difficult situations. Working in a school, community center, or hospital is possible.

Read more: College Counselor (Meaning, Duration, Benefits, Roles, Schools, Salary)

2. Become a Judge:

You can tell that the big role judges play is to sit back to listen to complaints and accusations from two different parties and, ultimately, deliver a verdict by considering all they have heard from both parties.

Whether they are elected or appointed, it is up to judges to make decisions.

As a Judge, the main drawback is that it’s not easy to make money by listening to people’s problems.

3. Psychiatric Counselor:

You can’t become a good psychiatric counselor without a good listener.

Being a psychiatric counselor requires being a good listener, asking questions to learn about the client’s issues, and then working to discover solutions.

Psychiatric counselors can either work in a mental health center or go into private practice.

How To Be A Good Listener

1. Focus:

Being present mentally is as important as being there physically.

By actively focusing, you show respect to the speaker and absorb the information better. It means you’re not just hearing words; you’re comprehending them.

2. Don’t Interrupt:

Cutting someone off can make them feel unvalued or unheard. Allowing them to finish gives them the space to express themselves fully.

It also prevents misinterpretations that can arise from jumping to conclusions.

3. Show Interest:

Non-verbal cues, like nodding, connect the listener and the speaker. Simple affirmations like “I see” or “uh-huh” indicate you’re actively engaged.

4. Avoid Judgment:

Keeping an open mind allows a more genuine understanding of the speaker’s perspective.

It’s important not to categorize or label their feelings prematurely, as this can deter open communication.

5. Ask Questions:

Clarifying doubts or seeking more information shows you’re genuinely interested in understanding the other person’s viewpoint.

Questions can also help the speaker delve deeper into their own thoughts.

6. Give Feedback:

Paraphrasing or summarizing what you’ve heard can help you and the speaker ensure the message has been correctly understood.

This can be as simple as saying, “So what you’re saying is…”

7. Stay Calm:

Especially in disagreements, staying calm helps maintain a productive conversation.

It’s about understanding, not winning a debate. Responding calmly fosters a safe environment for open dialogue.

8. Avoid Distractions:

Things like checking your phone or fidgeting can come off as disinterest.

By eliminating these, you show the speaker they have your full attention. Also, you’ll absorb more of the conversation.

9. Empathize:

Putting yourself in the speaker’s shoes helps you understand their emotions and viewpoints more deeply. Empathy builds trust and deeper connections in conversations.

10. Remember:

Retaining and recalling past conversations or points signifies that you valued what was said.

It can be the details of a story or even just the emotions they shared.

How to Listen Effectively:

Before applying for this position, you should work on your listening abilities.

1. Using your brain and your ears together:

Sitting and listening to someone for a lengthy period is critical without becoming bored or allowing your thoughts to wander.

Use your imagination to construct mental representations of the information you receive while listening. This will help you focus for more extended periods.

2. When there is a lull, take the opportunity to probe more:

Don’t interrupt the speaker and ask a question if you don’t understand something. Before you ask a question, wait for the speaker to pause or stop talking.

3. Connect with the Speaker:

Try to empathize with the speaker as they describe their difficulties.

Empathize with the speaker by using facial expressions and phrases that demonstrate you share their feelings. To be a good listener, one must feel and express empathy easily.

4. Maintaining eye contact is essential:

Direct eye contact is the finest way to convey that you’re paying attention to what someone is saying.

After a few seconds, it’s fine to look away. If you glance away from the speaker for too long, they may believe you’re bored with them or watching them too intently.

To maintain a sense of equilibrium, alternate between gazing away and back at the person you’re conversing with.

5. Pay close attention and keep an open mind:

Show that you’re present physically and intellectually during the conversation by paying attention and remaining open-minded.

When listening to a client, strive to retain an open mind. Do not overtly or otherwise criticize the speaker, as this impedes your listening ability.

After honing your listening abilities, you’re ready to earn money by listening to other people’s issues.

Read more: How Do TV Shows Make Money (Full details)

Frequently Asked Questions on Getting Paid to Listen to People’s Problems:

Can I get paid to listen to people’s problems?

A customer service position or a compensated opportunity to chat with lonely people are two ways you might make money by listening to their concerns. Depending on the position, you may have to deal with commercial or emotional issues.

Can I get paid to talk to lonely people?

Yes, you can. Pay is between $0.40 and $0.50 for each minute spent chatting with a client. Several factors go into determining your hourly wage, including your tenure with the organization and your level of expertise as a chat agent. Making as much as $30 an hour is possible by speaking with men looking for company.

How can I get paid and help others?

School Counselor
Human Resources
Life Coach
Teaching English Abroad
Funeral Service Worker

Can you get paid to give advice?

Start an advice blog.
Become a counselor.
Join a company that will pay you to give advice


It’s common for people only to want a conversation with another person.

Whether they’re looking for a lighthearted or more in-depth chat, they’re open to it. You’re exactly what they’re looking for as a good listener.

It is fantastic that you’ve been putting your abilities to good use in the service of others. These abilities are helpful for those who want to make money by listening to others’ concerns. You no longer have to put up with it for free, however.

The bottom line is that the occupations mentioned above can all assist you in earning money if your passion is helping others and you don’t mind listening to their problems and concerns.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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Uche Paschal
Uche Paschal

Uche Paschal is a professional and passionate writer on education, including homeschool, college tips, high school, money and travel tips. He has been writing articles for over 5 years. He is the Chief Content Officer at School & Travel.

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