Netherlands Government Scholarships 2022-2023 (Fully Funded)

Netherlands Government Scholarships: The Netherlands has continuously ranked among the top European countries in terms of providing high-quality education to foreign students.

There are more than 2,000 courses available to overseas students at 77 different universities, all taught in English.

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers fully funded scholarships through the Orange Knowledge Programme for international students to enroll in a full-time master’s degree program or short courses in the Netherlands.

If you’re ready for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, read more about the Netherlands Government Scholarships.

What Is The Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) Scholarship All About?

The Dutch government set up the Orange Knowledge Program Scholarship (OKP), to help pay for international students to go to college in the Netherlands. 

In higher education, technical and vocational education and training, and other areas linked to the OKP’s key topics, the OKP aspires to improve individuals’ and institutions’ abilities, knowledge, and quality.

The scholarship covers not only the cost of schooling but also visa costs, living expenses, transportation, and medical coverage. 

Those that cut will attend prestigious institutions in the Netherlands. Studies for a Master’s Degree typically last between 12 and 24 months, whereas shorter programs can last anywhere from two weeks to a year.

All tuition, fees, and books are paid for by the Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) Scholarship, which can be used for study in various disciplines.

Students may choose from over a thousand distinct academic specializations.

This is one of the largest scholarships in the world, and the Dutch Ministry of Education does not charge an application fee. 

Students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who want to pursue a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the Netherlands are encouraged to apply for the Netherland Government Scholarship.

The scholarship is given to highly motivated students who can use their new skills and knowledge immediately at their current job. 

Eligibility Criteria For The Netherland Government Scholarships

These criteria must be met to receive a scholarship from the Netherlands government:

  • The applicant for the scholarship works for a national or regional organization, such as a government agency, a secondary or higher education institution, a business, a commission, or a non-governmental organization (NGO).
  • The applicant for the scholarship is not working for a bilateral or multilateral organization or a non-governmental organization (NGO) with an international presence and a mission to promote societal interests like conservation, protection of the environment, health, human rights, or development aid.
  • The applicant must show that they have the necessary funds or resources to cover the required co-funding percentage. 
  • The applicant has a photo ID from the government that can be used to prove who they are. 
  • The applicant has been accepted into the OKP sought-after academic program.
  • The applicant is a citizen of and working in one of the countries on the OKP Country list. 
  • The applicant for the scholarship is a working professional who is in a position to put their knowledge into practice or whose employer could put them in such a position. This is because of their position, years of relevant work experience, and networks within a theme important to local development.
  • The candidate has included a government statement with the scholarship application if the local government requires it.
  • The applicant’s current employer endorses the scholarship application with a glowing letter of recommendation, guarantees the scholarship recipient’s salary will be paid in full throughout the program and promises to put the scholarship winner’s newfound knowledge to use upon his or her return.
  • The scholarship applicant must choose between English, French, or Spanish courses.
  • The scholarship request addresses a topic important to sustainable development in the applicant’s area. Scholarship applications must demonstrate how they align with the designated country’s National Plan of Implementation or Country Focus.
  • The applicant wants to study full-time, except for distance learning programs. 
  • The OKP Scholarship would be used to pay for the applicant’s tuition and living expenses at an accredited university for a Master’s degree program or a short course that fits the criteria.

However, when applying for OKP scholarships, note that you may only apply for one scholarship at a time, even if you plan to enroll in many concurrent courses or programs.

Suppose a scholarship candidate submits multiple applications for concurrent courses or programs.

In that case, only the first application received by the scholarship application system will be considered, with the applicant’s subsequent application(s) being deemed ineligible.

Eligible Countries

The following countries are eligible to apply for the OKP scholarship: Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Colombia, Congo (DRC), Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, and Nigeria.

Others include North Macedonia, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Peru, the Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Tips To Note About The Orange Knowledge Program

  • To apply for an Orange Knowledge Program scholarship, you should talk to your current employer about being nominated.
  • Prospective recipients of Dutch government scholarships are expected to try to connect with the relevant Dutch government organization. In return, they will be provided with details on how to apply, what kinds of grades and experience are required, and where to submit the application.
  • Scholarship applicants should spend adequate time crafting a compelling application. Include, among other things, a statement from their job, a statement of purpose and motivation, a photo of their passport, and any relevant government documents.
  • Scholarship applicants should submit their application online using the URL provided by the Netherlands university once they have completed the necessary document processing and are ready to apply. The deadline to apply to the school of their choice is something they should keep in mind.

How To Apply For The Orange Knowledge Program Scholarship

Your application for an OKP scholarship can begin once you have determined that you meet the criteria to receive the scholarship.

However, before you apply, make sure you meet the requirements for the scholarship and that your potential sponsoring organization is willing to put your name forward. 

You can apply for the Orange Knowledge Program Scholarship by taking the steps below:

  • Find a master’s degree program or graduate course that meets the scholarship’s requirements. Use the search criteria “OKP qualified: yes” on the study program database,, to locate the courses that qualify.
  • Get in touch with the Dutch university conducting the course to get information on: the course content; criteria for awarding scholarships and how they are decided upon; the application deadline for scholarship applications (which varies from Dutch institution to university); the application form, which may be found online, and the supporting materials.
  • Get your application and the required documentation in order.
  • Apply to the school in the Netherlands that provides the course you want to take.

However, contact the Dutch organization directly if you have more inquiries about the application or selection process.

Selection Procedure                                 

If your application is complete and fits all OKP requirements, the Dutch institution may submit it for consideration for an OKP scholarship.

Here is how it works to get picked:

  1. The Dutch university wrote a grant proposal to Nuffic asking for money to pay for scholarship applications from qualified students.
  2. Each application will be evaluated by the relevant Netherlands Embassy based on its eligibility requirements and the Embassy’s national focus area(s).
  3. For further consideration, only applications meeting the requirements will be reviewed. Applications that do not conform to the above requirements will be denied.
  4. The number of applicants, the quality and relevance of their proposals, and the funding available by the deadline will all play a role in the final decision.
  5. The Dutch university will notify all nominees of the selection results.
  6. The results are made public three to four months after an application is submitted. You should expect to hear from the Dutch educational institution you applied to via phone or mail after they have decided on your scholarship application.

Apply Here


To help worthy students throughout the world afford higher education, the Dutch government offers scholarships through the Orange Knowledge Program.

This scholarship will cover various costs incurred by the recipient throughout their Master’s program or short course program, from tuition and fees to living expenses.

Winners of the Orange Knowledge Program Scholarship are well-equipped to make meaningful contributions to their home nation and the society at large and to go into leadership positions.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Netherlands government’s Orange Knowledge Program Scholarship is one of the world’s most prestigious scholarships.

The target audience is students intending to take short courses and master-level learners in the Netherlands.

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