You’re welcome or Your welcome: Which is Correct?

You're welcome or Your welcome

There are times that you will be writing a letter and as you get to the end, you wonder if it’s right to appreciate the reader by using “you’re welcome or your welcome”.

A lot of discrepancies have come between these phrases and lots of mistakes have been made on but in this article, I will explain the two and help you understand them well.

On the other hand, one thing I want you to understand about the English language is that no one is a master of all, there are times that you have to check the dictionary to confirm the exact spelling or meaning of a word before using it.

So don’t feel bad if you find it difficult to differentiate the two. In this article, I will explain these two words and help you understand how to use them with respect to the right context.

You’re welcome or Your welcome

“You’re” means “You are”, meaning that it’s directed to someone. But “Your welcome” isn’t correct at all. That is why more people say, “You’re Welcome” after receiving a “thank You”.


  • Your welcome to this show (incorrect)
  • You are welcome to this show (Correct)
  • Your brother was welcomed amicably by my father (Correct)

More examples for “Your” include:

  • Your book is in the bag (Correct)
  • Is this bag yours?
  • Your dog is in the restroom

More examples for “you’re” include:

  • You’re so intelligent, this is what I call beauty with brains.
  • You’re such a fast learner.
  • You’re the best, forget what your teacher told you.

Read this: Mistrust vs Distrust: Which is correct?

You’re welcome or Your welcome

Since the “You’re” is the same as “You are” but different from Your, it’s best to say “You’re welcome” and not “Your welcome”. The first makes more sense and directive than the second.

Awesome one, I hope this article answered your question.

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