Email or E-mail: Which is Correct?

Email or E-mail

A lot of changes have been made in writing and speaking, but when it comes to writing “email or e-mail”, there seem to be a lot of discrepancies.

Electronic mail as the name in full has taken technology and humanity to a new level as it has eradicated the use of paper mail and helped to make life easier. Lots of writers write it in different ways based on their understanding but studies show that both words are correct.

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Email or E-mail

Top notchers like Wired Magazine confirm to be written as “e-mail”, the same as On the other hand, The New Hacker’s Dictionary confirms it to be “email” (without the hyphen) in their glossary.

Also, the American Copy Editors Society and world-class social media news website Mashable confirm it to be “email” but the New York Times stands and says that they will continue to write it as “e-mail”.

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Email or E-mail: Which is Correct?

Both are correct, the only thing involved is to use one consistently till the end.

Let’s go in-depth and explain what these two words mean.

E-mail/Email meaning: As it simply means Electronic mail, it could also serve as a verb and as a noun. As a noun, it is the digital mailing system that is faster and easier to send messages over a large distance. But as a verb, it means the process of sending an electronic message.

As a Noun – Examples:

  • If I send this e-mail to you, will you read it?
  • Their e-mail system is nothing to write home about.
  • How will you ask me to draft a template for the e-mail and also fill in the empty spaces?

As a Verb – Examples:

  • I emailed him the moment I was over-charged.
  • Even if you ask him to e-mail the director, it will take him about an hour to get it across due to the poor network connection.
  • Just ask him to e-mail straight to the team leader, I’m done for today.

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E-mail vs Email

Just as both words are correct, the hyphenated e-mail is more common to writers than the unhyphenated email. So feel free to use any of them and most importantly, be consistent with it.

Awesome one, I hope this article answered your question.

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