Administration vs. Management (Similarities, Differences)

Administration vs Management

“Administration vs Management” is an interesting comparison between businesses and company owners.

The administration is a policymaking function that is concerned with leadership and planning. Management, on the contrary, is a supervisory function that focuses on controlling and monitoring activities to get things done.

Nevertheless, no matter their differences, administration, and management are essential executive activities in organizations. 

This article will extensively discuss administration and management, the importance of administration and management, tips for effective administration and direction, and the similarities and differences between administration and management. Read on!

Administration vs. Management

What is Administration?

Administration is the act of managing the responsibilities and tasks of a group or organization. It also means the organization of human and physical resources to accomplish chosen objectives.

However, a chain of command, regulation, designation of authority, expertise, unification, and reunification must be sustained for the administration to succeed. Moreover, anyone vested with the right of administration is called an Administrator.

Importance of Administration

Administrators are essential in every organization. From making policies to running an organization, administrators perform many duties to sustain companies and organizations. Moreover, they also serve the following tasks;

1. Planning:

Administrators are responsible for general planning in any organization. They provide strategies and policies that help organizations achieve their short-term and long-term goals.

2. Organizing:

Once the goals have been set, administrators delegate duties to all departments to meet these goals.

However, delegating tasks will create a sense of administrative connection among staff as they must work together to meet the targets. 

3. Employing:

Administrators also perform employment roles for the company by interviewing job seekers to choose the best available vacancies. Selecting the best people for the company will help meet the company’s targets.

4. Leading:

After employing people, administrators direct and coordinate them blamelessly to achieve the goals of the organization. However, administrators must have good interactive abilities to perform this role effectively. 

5. Assessing:

Administrators appraise employees’ performances to ensure they effectively carry out their duties to help the organization or companies achieve its goals.

Administration vs. Management

Tips for effective Administration

Becoming an effective administrator will help you build a successful business or organization. It will also increase your worth and reputation.

Hence, if you are an administrator in an organization, you will do an excellent job if you apply the following tips;

1. Listen to all:

Possessing good listening skills is fundamental to the success of any administration. Good administrators receive advice and make modifications when desired.

Hence, to be one, don’t discard any ideas or suggestions of any staff to avoid discouraging them, but sustain a welcoming attitude.

2. Acknowledge your ignorance: 

Your subordinates understand that you are human, so ask questions if you don’t know something. Don’t play boss and make avoidable mistakes.

3. Be passionate:

Be zealous and fervent in administering the duties and roles expected of you. Avoid giving unnecessary excuses but work towards meeting the goals of the organization obsessively.

Your approach to work as an administrator will always rub off on your subordinates.

4. Have good coordination:

You must possess good coordination skills to organize people to perform different tasks. As a leader, don’t organize impromptu meetings all year long to destabilize the people working under you.

Read this: Leader vs Manager – What’s the difference?

5. Employ the right people:

As an administrator, when you are given the mandate to hire staff, you don’t have to make choices based on relationships or physical appearance. Let your preferences be based on qualifications and experience.

Also, train them differently on the tasks and duties expected from them.

6. Speak up:

When staff fails to meet targets and perform their duties, express your frustration and disappointment. And if mistakes are made, make the needed corrections to avoid such issues from repeating themselves.

7. Strive for Excellence:

Don’t lower the organization’s standards because your salary is not huge or because no one will question you. However, strive for excellence by raising the performance levels of staff.

Administration vs. Management

What is Management?

Management is a process of scheduling, directing, inspiring, and supervising limited resources to meet an organization’s goals.

It also involves coordinating staff to meet the targets of an organization. People who manage an organization are called “Managers,” and they strive to create surplus through effective organization.

Levels of Management

Managers are on three levels, namely;

1. Senior managers:

This class of managers sets the organization’s intentional objectives, determines the organization’s operational structure, makes major decisions concerning the organization, and sets the organization’s tone.

Senior managers are seasoned experts who coordinate and direct workers to meet the goals of the organization.

Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), Presidents, Executive vice presidents, Chief Operating Officers, board chairmen, and board members are examples of senior managers.

2. Middle managers:

They provide direction to senior managers. They also advise senior managers on the best course of action in fulfilling the goals of the organization.

Regional managers, project leaders, plant managers, branch managers, and section managers are middle managers.

3. Lower managers:

Lower managers are the lowest level managers who direct and supervise the work of junior staff directly involved in the production of the organization’s products and services.

Subordinate managers are commonly known as supervisors or line managers.

Administration vs Management

Importance of Management

Effective management is the key to the success of an organization because they benefit an organization in the following ways;

1. Direction:

No organization can be successful if there is no coordination and organization. Management provides the direction needed to help the company achieve its goals.

Read this: Project Management Degree (A-Z tips)

2. Increase productivity:

By ensuring that every staff effectively performs their expected duties, managers increase companies’ productivity.

3. Accomplish goals:

Managers develop the right strategy and employ the right people to accomplish the goals of the organization efficiently.

4. Encourage teamwork:

By distributing duties to all departments, management encourages teamwork among staff as they interact to meet targets.

5. Develop creative ideas:

Since managers are tasked with developing strategies to help the company meet its targets, they analyze projects and set up creative techniques to improve organizations.

6. Create a balance:

They provide listening ears to all workers and correct those who make mistakes. Hence, strike a balance between creativity and efficiency.

7. Avoid wastage:

In an organization, managers coordinate and supervise the effective distribution of resources in achieving the company’s targets and set up channels to curtail wastages and misuse of limited resources.

8. Motivate employees:

By being passionate about discharging their duties, managers motivate employees to follow suit. Also, by giving bonuses to hardworking staff, they encourage employees to work hard even beyond their abilities.

9. Tackle business problems:

They develop different tactics to tackle the challenges of the organization, sustaining the company in the process.

10. Respect laws:

Since managers are seasoned experts, they ensure that the company or organization respects the government’s policies.

Tips for Effective Management:

Effective managers are the jewel in the crown of every successful organization. They ensure that everything goes according to plan and that the companies’ goals are met efficiently.

Hence, you can become an effective manager by applying the following tips;

1. Be consistent:

Be consistent in upholding your high standards and principles. Don’t bend the rules to favour anybody.

2. Place emphasis on transparency:

When discharging your duties, be transparent in everything you do. Also, encourage transparency among staff.

3. Encourage teamwork:

Collaboration is critical to the success of any firm. Though delegating tasks increases productivity, sometimes swapping staff roles improve professional relationships.

4. Openly reward hard work: 

Organize end-of-the-year dinners to reward dedicated and committed staff. This will encourage others to do better.

5. Don’t generalize:

People are not the same, so treat them differently. Encourage the weak ones and commend the strong ones.

6. Listen: 

Be open to all ideas provided by staff working under you to give them the feeling they want. Never condemn people for sharing their input.

7. Ask questions:

Ask questions when you don’t know the subject, and don’t pretend you know something when you don’t.

Similarities between Administration and Management

“Administration vs Management” is about comparing the two terms to see which is greater or higher. However, both of them are closely related in the following ways;

  • Both contribute to the efficient running of an organization.
  • They are all based on practice.
  • They both have a task with accomplishing the goals of the company
  • Adminstration and Management meet targets.
  • People perform them.
  • Both involve planning, organizing, and controlling.

Differences between Administration and Management

  • Administration is greater than management.
  • While senior managers only perform the administration, anyone can manage.
  • Administrators formulate policies while managers implement them.
  • Administration is mainly used in government, while management is concerned with businesses.

FAQs on Administration and Management

What is administrative and management?

To put it simply, administrative management is the art of controlling data by manipulating its most important resource: humans. As a rule, this entails securing data and sharing it among employees. Most company jobs entail some degree of administrative management.

What are the basic areas of administration and management?


What is the role of the admin?

An Admin is essential to the success of any firm as they give essential office support to an individual or group. In addition to answering phones and directing guests, this person may also be responsible for word processing, spreadsheet and presentation creation, and filing.


“Administration vs management” is a difficult comparison. Nevertheless, we could compare and contrast the two terms in this article effectively.

In a nutshell, while the administration is concerned with policy-making, management focuses on executing them.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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