How to Become a Paraprofessional in Illinois (Benefits, FAQs)

How to Become a Paraprofessional in Illinois

A career as a paraprofessional offers an opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the field of education.

Paraprofessionals, also known as teacher assistants or instructional aides, play a vital role in supporting educators and students within the classroom.

If you’re interested in becoming a paraprofessional in Illinois, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps, qualifications, and responsibilities involved in pursuing this rewarding profession.

It will also discuss other vital pieces of information regarding this career.

Who is a Paraprofessional?

Paraprofessionals are educator aides who provide vital support to teachers.

While not possessing teaching licenses, paraprofessionals undertake various responsibilities to assist students with their educational endeavors.

Their tasks extend to aiding educators in classroom management. These professionals are commonly found in public and private schools and tutoring centers.

What are the Primary Responsibilities of a Paraprofessional?

Here are the major roles that a paraprofessional plays in any academic setting:

1. Classroom Behavior Management

Paraprofessionals frequently aid students facing challenges in maintaining focus and emotional regulation within the classroom.

This involves documenting behavioral issues, imparting student coping mechanisms, and creating behavior intervention plans.

These interventions are geared towards reducing disruptive behaviors and fostering positive conduct.

Situations such as emotional outbursts, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and oppositional defiant disorder fall under their purview.

2. Disability Assistance

Certain paraprofessionals specialize in assisting students with medical conditions or physical disabilities.

Their role extends to helping physically disabled students acquire essential life skills for navigating classroom settings.

Additionally, they may assist students requiring medical support throughout the school day.

This can include tasks like facilitating the movement of students who use wheelchairs or monitoring individuals with epilepsy.

3. Language Services

Bilingual paraprofessionals prove invaluable in translating for non-native English-speaking students.

They adeptly convert classroom assignments and instructions into accessible formats for English as a Second Language (ESL) students.

Their language proficiency facilitates communication during parent-teacher meetings or phone calls, effectively conveying crucial information.

4. Teaching Assistance

Paraprofessionals often collaborate with educators during lesson explanations. They provide positive reinforcement to students grappling with comprehension of academic material.

This may involve conducting small group activities or meetings to enhance students’ grasp of the subject matter.

For instance, a paraprofessional might organize a study group to guide struggling science students through their assignments, fostering a deeper understanding.

Benefits of Becoming a Paraprofessional in Illinois

Here are the most compelling reasons to pursue this career:

1. Practical Training

Paraprofessionals can commence their roles with limited prior experience and gradually accumulate expertise through practical on-the-job training.

This aspect proves advantageous, particularly for individuals who eventually transition into related professional positions.

2. Comprehensive Benefits

Paraprofessionals commonly enjoy comparable benefits to their counterparts within the same organization.

This encompasses perks such as paid holidays, medical insurance, and retirement plans, enhancing their overall employment package.

3. Fulfilling Profession

Paraprofessionals derive a profound sense of fulfillment from their work like licensed professionals.

For instance, those in educational roles experience the gratification of positively impacting the lives of their students, contributing to their overall well-being.

Steps to Take to Obtain a Paraprofessional Certificate in Illinois

To obtain the certificate, you must attain a minimum age of 19 years and fulfill one of the following educational requirements:

  • Hold an Associate’s degree or higher
  • Complete sixty semester hours of coursework from an accredited institution at the 100 level or above.
  • Possess a high school diploma or GED and score 460 or above on the ETS Parapro assessment.
  • Obtain a high school diploma or GED and score a 4 in Applied Mathematics/Applied Math and Reading for Information/Workplace Documents on the ACT WorkKeys exam.

The certification is valid for five years and can be renewed upon registration fee payment.

It is important to note that certified paraprofessionals are required to operate under the direct supervision of a licensed teacher.

Additionally, individuals holding a paraprofessional license with a bachelor’s degree on record are eligible to serve as substitute teachers.

For detailed guidance on the application process for a paraprofessional license, the Illinois State Board of Education provides a comprehensive checklist accessible on its official website.

Essential Skills for a Paraprofessional Career

Here are nine essential skills for paraprofessionals that contribute to their success in their role:

1. Effective Communication

As a paraprofessional, interacting with students of varying ages, fellow educators, and parents is crucial to your job.

Adapting your communication style to convey ideas clearly to students, teachers, and parents is essential. This skill aids in avoiding confusion, particularly when explaining complex concepts.

2. Crafting Lesson Plans

Paraprofessionals often assist teachers in developing lesson plans. Proficiency in designing activities that align with the curriculum is vital.

This entails understanding various subjects like math, science, reading, and writing.

Acquiring lesson planning expertise through school training and volunteer teaching experiences enhances your effectiveness.

3. Teamwork Skills

Collaboration with educators and students is essential for effective classroom instruction. Paraprofessionals support teachers in achieving educational goals, necessitating efficient teamwork.

Demonstrating teamwork skills is a model for students, fostering their skill development and camaraderie.

4. Patience

Exercising patience is crucial for paraprofessionals, especially when dealing with students with behavioral challenges or those struggling with classroom rules.

Remaining composed aids in approaching situations better and eliciting positive responses, fostering better behavior and continued learning.

5. Leadership Abilities

Strong leadership skills are valuable for mentoring students during lessons. Guiding students through new subjects and motivating their learning journey requires effective leadership.

Leading small group activities, maintaining classroom discipline, and instilling a sense of authority are also roles that benefit from leadership skills.

6. Positivity

Maintaining a positive attitude in the classroom exemplifies professionalism. Interacting optimistically and calmly with students creates a comfortable atmosphere.

Paraprofessionals’ composed demeanor helps students facing emotional difficulties, reinforcing respectful behavior and providing reassurance.

7. Creative Engagement

Creativity enables paraprofessionals to engage students effectively. Collaborating with teachers and devising engaging lesson plans enhances classroom instruction.

Developing creative activities motivates students to participate and comprehend lessons actively.

8. Organizational Competence

Paraprofessionals employ organizational skills to manage assignments, classroom materials, and attendance records.

Assisting teachers with grading and preparing lesson plans also benefits from organizational abilities. These skills contribute to a well-structured and tidy classroom environment.

9. Classroom Management

While educators teach, paraprofessionals oversee classroom dynamics. Skill in managing behaviors and maintaining an orderly classroom environment is essential.

Addressing behaviors, such as redirecting a distracted student’s attention back to the lesson, is an example of effective classroom management.

Tips for Succeeding as a Paraprofessional

Consider these three tips to enhance your paraprofessional skills:

1. Practice Active Listening

Implement active listening during conversations to comprehend better information students and educators share.

Focusing on the speaker, interpreting their words, and providing thoughtful responses builds trust and fosters meaningful interactions.

2. Seek Constructive Feedback

Regularly ask for feedback from teachers, students, and parents to improve your teaching strategies.

Constructive feedback aids in identifying areas for growth and refining your approach to challenging assignments.

3. Build Student Trust

Establishing trust with students encourages their receptiveness to learning and respecting your authority.

Expressing genuine interest in their success and creating a positive classroom environment contributes to a solid student-paraprofessional relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on How to Become a Paraprofessional in Illinois

Is it hard to pass the Illinois paraprofessional test?

It is not tough to pass the ParaPro test. However, the test still contains tough questions that span several areas.

What is the average salary of a paraprofessional in Illinois?

The average salary of a paraprofessional in Illinois is about $35,000 per month.

Where do paraprofessionals earn the best income?

Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Delaware pay paraprofessionals better than any other state in the United States.

What are the best states in the US to work as teachers?

Washington, California, and New York are the best states for teachers in the United States.


Becoming a paraprofessional in Illinois offers a fulfilling and impactful career in education.

By understanding the requirements, gaining relevant experience, and obtaining the necessary approvals, as this article has helped you, you can embark on a journey that contributes to students’ growth and success while enriching your professional journey.

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