Homeschool Spanish Academy (Features, FAQs) | 2023

Homeschool Spanish Academy
Homeschool Spanish

Attending the Homeschool Spanish Academy can teach one how to speak Spanish fluently.

This school is well-known for providing world-class Spanish instruction.

No matter a person’s age or level of education, Homeschool Spanish Academy has a program available for everyone.

This article will provide information about all the programs offered by Homeschool Spanish Academy and some tips for learning Spanish.

What Are The Unique Features Of The Homeschool Spanish Academy?

Here are the things that make Homeschool Spanish Academy stand out from other Spanish schools:

  • It has different programs for different ages.
  • It is flexible.
  • It offers personalized learning experiences that enable students to learn at their own pace.
  • Big organizations like My Father’s World, The Pioneer Woman, etc., have a lot of confidence in it.

What Are The Programs Offered By The Homeschool Spanish Academy?

1. Preschool Spanish Program

The preschool program is for students between the ages of 5 and 6 who can learn one-on-one with an instructor, understand, speak, and engage.

Features Of The Homeschool Spanish Academy Preschool Program

  • Age-appropriate curriculum: Developed for elementary school children who may or may not be reading yet but will be learning with more pictures than text.
  • Session Frequency: A child in the preschool has two sessions per week; if it’s a less intensive program, 1 session per week can go, and if it’s a tougher program, 3 sessions can go.
  • Flexibility: Students are in control of your session, it’s not so fixed.
  • Individual Sessions: Students can study and learn at their own pace with full instructor attention.
  • Paired Sessions: It helps to save more money since students use the same computer together during the session.
  • Fun and Interactive: The elementary students’ class lasts 25 minutes, is very fun, and includes enough student-instructor interaction to help the students learn and understand what is being taught.
  • Payment Options: Payments can be completed in three ways: in full, in five equal payments, or in 10 monthly payments.

 2. Elementary Spanish Program

The Elementary Spanish program offered by Homeschool Spanish Academy is for students between the ages of 6 and 10.

It empowers students with the knowledge of Spanish and the capacity to converse with someone who speaks Spanish so well and does it consistently.

However, the elementary Spanish program is almost the same as the preschool program. Still, they vary based on the fact that the elementary program is rich enough to prepare a student for high school, and they can also earn transferable credit for high school foreign language credit.

3. Middle School Spanish Program

This is a Homeschool Spanish Academy program for students between the ages of 10 and 13, with a recommended session length of 50 minutes.

Features Of The Homeschool Spanish Academy Middle School Program

Here are the features of the Homeschool Spanish Academy Middle School program:

  • Program Expectations: For students who have 2 sessions per week, at the end of the session, you must have taken 14 lessons, 3 quizzes, and 4 exams.
  • Session Frequency: It is highly recommended that students take 2 sessions per week. For a less intense program, 1 session per week is good, but if a student wants to go the extra mile, 3 sessions per week can go.
  • Flexibility: Students are in control of their class and can schedule and cancel any class they want.
  • Individual Sessions: Students can learn in the best way they understand and still receive 100% instructor attention.
  • Paired Sessions: Three students within at least three grade levels of each other can use the paired sessions. It is more economical, and they can share the same computer during the session.
  • Foreign Language: It satisfies the high school foreign language requirement.
  • Payment Options: Payments can be completed in three ways: full payment, two separate equal payments, or 5 monthly payments.

 4. High School Spanish Program

This Homeschool Spanish Academy program lasts for 50 minutes per session and is meant for students between the ages of 13 and 18.

This program is made in such a way that it’s more rigorous than any public high school curriculum, and students are taught not only to master Spanish grammar but also how to apply their knowledge through conversation with their instructors and in everyday life.

Features Of The Homeschool Spanish Academy High School Program

Here are the features of the Homeschool Spanish Academy High School program:

  • Flexibility: Students can control their sessions and cancel or reschedule if needed. Also, they can choose the best time and the available instructor that suits them best.
  • Program Expectations: If a student engages in 2 sessions per week, at the end of the session, they must have taken 14 lessons, 3 quizzes, and 4 exams, just like students in the middle school program.
  • Sessions Frequency: It is highly recommended that students take two sessions per week. For a less intense program, 1 session per week is good, but if a student wants to go the extra mile, 3 sessions per week can go.
  • Individual Sessions: Students can learn in the best way they understand and still receive 100% instructor attention.
  • Paired Sessions: Here, three students who are within at least three grade levels of each other can use the paired sessions. It’s more economical, and they can share the same computer during the session.
  • Foreign Language: It satisfies the high school foreign language requirement for college admissions.
  • Payment Options: Payments can be completed in three ways: full payment, two separate equal payments, or five monthly payments.
  • Program Expiration: 12 months after the most recently used class to use all sessions.

Adult Homeschool Spanish Academy Program

The Adult Homeschool Spanish Academy program offers a session length of 50 minutes and is meant for people who are up to or above the age of 19.

Features Of The Homeschool Spanish Academy Adult School Program

Here are the features of the Homeschool Spanish Academy Adult School program:

  • Flexibility: Students can control their session and cancel or reschedule if needed. You can select the best time and available instructor for you.
  • Payment Options: Payments can be completed in three ways: full payment, five separate equal payments, and 10 monthly payments (on select packages only).
  • Satisfaction Guarantee: Students will be 100% satisfied with the classes and the service.

The Homeschool Spanish Curriculum

  • Break out of Beginner’s Spanish
  • Calico Spanish
  • Spanish for You
  • Spanish I and II
  • Song School Spanish
  • Spanish 1, 2 and 3
  • Spanish for Children
  • Spanish ABC book and CD
  • La Clase Divertida

Tips For Learning Spanish Easily

Here are some tips that will enable anyone to learn Spanish with ease:

1. Browse online Spanish newspapers and magazines

Spanish magazines and newspapers are excellent learning tools since they offer brief articles and longer features.

If you’re trying to improve your Spanish skills, you might want to give them a fast read the next time you come across one.

If you want to study Spanish, many resources are available on the internet.

Some even allow you to subscribe and have daily deliveries of their publications sent to your mailbox.

2. Get into the habit of switching everything around you to Spanish

Total immersion is one of the best ways to boost your Spanish skills. But suppose you really can’t up and relocate to Spain right now?

You’ll have to devise creative alternatives if you want to learn Spanish.

If you’re like most people, you probably spend a lot of time online, so setting your computer to Spanish is a great way to start learning the language.

You won’t believe the improvement after just a week.

3. Watch TV with Spanish subtitles.

Take advantage of your downtime by reading something in Spanish while watching TV. To understand what is being said in Spanish, turn on the Spanish subtitles.

So whether you pause the TV to make sure you understand every syllable, or you just let the words flow over you, you will be learning the Spanish that is spoken in everyday situations.

4. You can pick up the Spanish-language pamphlets at your local museum

Feeling like a caged animal when studying Spanish? Get out of the house and visit a museum. Larger museums are more likely to have informational materials available in Spanish.

Pick up the Spanish-language leaflet and see if you can find your way around the museum and its displays.

5. Put together a Spanish-language shopping list.

There has never been a better time to start making lists than now.

Developing a routine is essential to successful language learning, and grocery shopping is something everyone does regularly.

Make a specific list of the groceries you need before you go so you don’t waste time aimlessly browsing the shelves.

The next time you go shopping, try crossing off the items as you add them to your shopping cart to give yourself some practice.

Better yet, see if you can track down the products in their original packaging by perusing the international section of your supermarket.

6. Begin a daily writing habit in Spanish by keeping a journal.

Although not everyone possesses the “diary-writing gene,” keeping a diary can be a useful tool for those studying a foreign language.

Begin your diary entry by briefly summarizing what you did that day.

Move on to explaining the people you meet, what you hope to accomplish, and how you feel.

Use a random question generator if you struggle with journaling or dealing with your emotions.

7. Translate your email correspondence at work or school to Spanish

Most of us will write (or type) something at least once a day, whether for work or school.

Use whatever content you come across, whether it’s an email, some homework, or a hastily written note to a loved one, to improve your language skills.

Take a bite out of your day and translate one piece of writing into Spanish.

There are lots of great programs where you can look up a word.

8. Change the language of a children’s book from English to Spanish

One of the best ways to develop one’s Spanish reading and writing skills is to read Spanish novels and periodicals; in this case, you will be taking an English story and translating it into Spanish.

Most of the time, the language in children’s books is simple enough to try to translate without relying too much on a machine.


The Homeschool Spanish Academy is one of the best schools for Spanish education.

This school has over 50 teachers, each handpicked to turn one’s education into something amazing.

This school is committed to allowing students to learn Spanish effectively, efficiently, and as personably as possible to bridge language and cultural barriers.

No matter how old an individual is or their level of education, a program is available for them.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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