How to Pass a University Interview?

How to Pass a University Interview?

The interview is different from other formats for assessing your motivation level for applying to university.

In the case of, say, preparing a motivation letter, you have time to structure your thoughts and rewrite the text as many times as needed.

In a pinch, you can even ask an essay writer for help. But in the case of an interview, you’ll only have to rely on your strength, so preparation is especially important here.

We’ll show you some tips that could help you present yourself perfectly, show your individuality and value to pass the interview, and enter the university successfully.

Prepare in advance:

The most important thing is to prepare. Do you know where everything will take place? Do you know the exact time? Are you sure you haven’t mixed up the date of the interview?

It is essential to be able to present yourself professionally. Sketch a job interview scenario and prepare according to it.

If you are serious about the chosen course, prepare yourself, learn more about it to show your interest. If you have not been able to attend the open house, read the information materials on the university website. 

Interviews come in many different formats. It is especially true for applicants from other countries. It is not always easy to fly to another country just to meet face-to-face.

Many universities allow students to be interviewed by phone or Skype. In that case, it is essential that the meeting goes exactly as if you were present at the university.

Clothes, manners – all these are your advantages in the interview. Also, try to find a quiet and peaceful place.

Most universities give you a warning when you are called. So, if you live with someone, tell them not to disturb you when they call.

If the interview will take place in your presence, find out how to get there on time. Study the route in advance, so you don’t get lost and stuck in traffic on the appointed day.

Likewise, if you have a phone or Skype interview scheduled, check the availability of the devices.

Make sure your phone is on, fully charged, and in an area with a good signal. If you have to Skype, make sure your Internet connection is working smoothly.

What may you be asked about?

Most questions usually focus on your suitability for the course. You will be asked about your background and work experience. But most of all, universities want to know why you have chosen this particular course.

“Why do you want to study at this particular university?”

“Why should you be admitted?”

“What are your strengths and weaknesses?”

“What can you contribute to the university?”

Once you know the answers to all these questions, your interview should easily convince others that you have something to offer!

Think about all these things ahead of time. Knowing the answers to these questions and realizing that you are the ideal candidate can make an interview less stressful.

Inner settings:

You should be sincere. The interview is not only about finding out if you are suitable for the course. But also, to find out if the course is right for you.

If you are not honest or if you try to give too much away in the process, it may already turn out to be too difficult or too easy.

Try to relax during the interview. We know that advice is much easier to give than to do. But if you are relaxed, it will be easier for the interviewer to communicate with you.

And it will be easier for you to demonstrate your interest in the subject. And that’s what job seekers are expected to do. It is normal to be nervous. But, before you enter the interview room, take a few deep breaths.

Sometimes job interviews ask tricky questions that applicants don’t expect. It is done on purpose to see how you react. You will know right away that it is a particular question and also by how it will be asked.

It is usually done in a somewhat informal manner—the answer is simple and as honest as possible. Don’t worry that you don’t have an answer prepared in advance. Just be open and remember to be yourself!

 Read also: 12 Tools Students Should Use for Admission Help in 2022

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