How to study in Australia for free (Top Scholarships, Challenges)

How to study in Australia for free

Do you wish to study in Australia for free? Then, this article is for you.

Australia is one of the best places to study. Most colleges in Australia have state-of-the-art facilities and world-class research centers that offer high-quality education.

Also, most Australian colleges are built around broad plains that offer an exquisite learning environment and they provide free internship positions in seasoned firms to their students.

Moreover, Australian colleges also provide amazing work opportunities post-graduation for their students and have some of the very best professors in the world.

Thus, Australia is an amazing destination for any degree program.

Challenge of studying in Australia:

One of the biggest challenges that can stop any international student from schooling in Australia is the high cost of college tuition fees.

Although this is understandable due to the high standard of education offered by most Australian colleges, if you are an international student and you don’t come from a wealthy home or lack sufficient funding, it is almost impossible to attend any college in Australia.

Nevertheless, you can study in Australia for free by earning an international scholarship because most international scholarships in Australia cover the full tuition costs of students and provide other amazing incentives.

Thus, this article will discuss the 5 top scholarship programs in Australia that you should apply for if you hope to study in Australia for free and various valuable tips for earning these scholarships.

Study in Australia for free: Top Scholarship programs in Australia

Endeavour Postgraduate Leadership Awards:

The Endeavour Postgraduate Leadership Awards is a top scholarship award in Australia.

This scholarship covers the full tuition costs of Master’s degree and Doctorate students in 2-year and 4-year programs respectively.

The Endeavour Postgraduate Leadership Awards is only open to foreign students that are above 18 years at the time of application and are not enjoying any other Australian scholarship.

Recipients of the Endeavour Postgraduate Leadership Awards enjoy a yearly stipend of $30,000 to cover their tuition costs, $36,000 per year to handle their daily needs, an accommodation allowance of around $3000 per year, travel funds, and Health Insurance Cover.

It is hosted by several colleges in Australia and the deadline for application is 15th November each year.

The Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship:

The Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship is a merit-based award open to international students.

This program supports the education of its recipients by giving them cash prizes of $10,000 each.

This Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship is open to bachelors’, masters’, and doctoral degree students recently admitted to pursue a degree in the Macquarie University.

Moreover, applicants of the Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship must also meet the English prerequisites of the school, attain a WAM score of 65 for postgraduate studies and an ATAR score of 85 for undergraduate studies.

This scholarship is also not eligible to students from Australia or New Zealand who have previously obtained a school scholarship.

Study in Australia for free

University of Sydney International Research Scholarships:

The University of Sydney International Research Scholarship is an award that covers the education and living costs of foreign students looking to obtain a doctorate at the University of Sydney.

This scholarship still runs six months after the end of the doctorate program.

However, the University of Sydney International Research Scholarship is exclusively offered to non-research qualified international students.

Australian National University Chancellor’s International Scholarship:

The Australian National University Chancellor’s International Scholarship is one of the top 5 International scholarship programs in Australia.

This scholarship rewards winners with a cash prize of $25,000 each to cover their tuition fee at the Australian National University.

The Australian National University Chancellor’s International Scholarship is available to foreign students seeking to pursue any degree program at all levels of study in the Australian National University.

Nevertheless, the scholarship is not open to people who are already enjoying one form of scholarship in Australia.

Adelaide Scholarships International:

The Adelaide Scholarships International is an award that is only open to Master’s degree and Doctorate students.

This scholarship is awarded by the University of Adelaide which is one of the best schools in Australia.

The Adelaide Scholarships International covers the learning and daily costs of winners and also equips them with Health Insurance coverage.

Nevertheless, to qualify for this scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be citizens of any other country other than Australia and New Zealand
  • Display fluency in the English Language
  • Doctorate applicants must not have any research qualification
  • All applicants must hold an Australian Bachelor’s degree.

It is one of the most profitable scholarships in Australia.

Study in Australia for free: Valuable tips for earning scholarships in Australia:

Earning an Australian scholarship as an international student is not an easy feat.

However, you can boost your chances of studying for free in any Australian college by applying the following scholarship earning tips;

Have an outstanding academic record:

More than 90% of scholarships open to only international students in Australia are awarded based on merit.

Hence, if you are reading this article as a high school student and you are still capable of improving your academic records, work hard towards it because an outstanding academic record is a top requirement for scholarship award considerations in Australia.

Organize all required documents:

The official transcript of your study and student’s visa are some of the important requirements that you will present for validation to be considered for any scholarship in Australia.

Hence, organize all these documents on time to avoid missing out on the deadline.

Be proficient in the English Language:

The demonstration of fluency in the English Language is a common requirement for landing a scholarship in Australia as an international student because the English Language is the official communication language used in Australian colleges.

Hence, since you have to prove your fluency in the English Language, write and pass tests like IELTS to boost your chances.

Apply on time:

Each year, more than 400,000 students seek admission into Australian colleges through scholarships.

Hence, organizing all the required documents and completing your registration on time is an important step you must take.

Study in Australia for free: Summary

As an international student, earning a scholarship is probably the only way to study in Australia for free.

Most international scholarships in Australia don’t just cover tuition costs alone but provide several mouth-watering incentives.

This post has highlighted some of the greatest international scholarship programs available in Australia.

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