10 Different Types of Students in College

Types of Students in College

When I first started college, I assumed that everyone else would share my high standards. In college, I came across a wide range of people, from the good to the bad to the ugly.

Moreover, college is a world of its own; try your best to make the most of it and meet amazing people too. But, here are the types of students you will meet in college.

Types of Students in College:

1. Party Type:

This is a student that loves parties more than school activities. He/she can go for a night party a night to a very important exam.

An advantage of this type of student is that he will be social and get to know a lot of people, but his academics might lag.

Among the different types of students in college, I would rank him no 9.

Read on: The 8 Amazing good Things about College

2. The Too-much Knowledge:

This student does everything about college classes; he never misses lectures, he does his assignment ahead of time.

You will be wondering, “When did Mrs. Jane(PTE lecturer) give this assignment?”, so this student does all assignments and attends all lectures, but he doesn’t balance his academic life with extra-curricular activities.

Among the different types of students in college, I would rank him no 3.

3. Always in the meeting type:

Types of Students

This student is always headed for one meeting or the other; he is involved in many organizations and societies in school.

He would even miss a lecture to attend a meeting; that’s the climax of everything. An advantage of this type of student is the exposure and experience he gets through his interaction and connection with people.  

Among the different types of students in college, I would rank him no 5.

4. Home alone Student:

This type of student prefers staying at home to going to school, he would take the course outline and read in his house.

Sometimes he might be working from home, so his work might prevent him from attending lectures.

The worst thing about this type of student is that he doesn’t even care about attendance; whether he comes to school or is none of his business.

Among the different types of students in college, I would rank him no 6.

5. Balanced Student:

Occasionally, I will come across the excellent student: a well-rounded one. His life seems nearly ideal, as he excels in school and outside activities.

The funny thing about this student is that he might be running a business and still be doing well academically.

Being a balanced student isn’t easy; it requires proper planning and arrangement.

Try and be a balanced student.

What about you (Admin):

Although I worked hard at my studies and business ventures, I was not the most well-rounded student.

Sometimes I fall behind in school because I prioritize my business over my studies. I did my best, but it wasn’t easy.

Among the Different types of students in college, I would rank a “Balanced Student” no 1.

6. The Friends Guy:

For me, I think the main reason this student is in college is to have fun and go through school. This student sees his friends as everything, he values his friends more than anything in college.

Read on: 8 Types of Roommates in College

7. The Funny student:

The funny thing about this student is that most of their few friends are not adding value to him; they are there to sap him and make him feel like a big boy.

Among the different types of students in college, I would rank him no 8.

8. Tech Student:

This student is obsessed about Tech that he can’t do anything else, including basic tasks like cleaning the house or keeping up with his studies.

He isn’t interested in learning anything beyond the most cutting-edge technological developments and their implementation.

He’s up to date on every new piece of tech and has the greatest Iphone Apple has offered. But school is hell for him, and he wants to go as soon as possible.

Among the different types of students in college, I would rank him no 4.

9. The one that does excellently well but hardly studies:

Sometimes I just can’t figure out how they do it. It’s hilarious how, despite your superior reading skills, people can skip your lectures and reading assignments but still do better on the exam.

I can never understand how they can achieve success.

Among the different types of students in college, I would rank him no 2.

10. The Guy that is older than the lecturer:

When I initially met this student, I assumed he was a professor until I noticed his attire and questioning style and realized he was an older student having difficulty with a class.

He is sometimes referred to as “HOD” (Head of Department) by the younger ones. Among the Different types of students in college, I would rank him no 10.

11. The Best dresser in College:

He gets dressed up like he has something special to go. He dresses well; he cares more about how he looks than the time for the lecture, which can leave you wondering, “Is he expecting anybody?, Is there any meeting in the department?” He firmly believes that.

Among the different types of students in college, I would rank him no 7.


Make the most of your time in college by becoming a well-rounded individual and taking advantage of all it offers.

Life will treat you as well as the friends you keep, the clothes you wear, and the value you bring to those around you.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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