99+ Christianity Questions That Cannot Be Answered

Christian Questions That Cannot Be Answered

Christianity has many “Christianity questions that cannot be answered.” Religion requires believing in things we do not know, their existence, and reason (Faith).

However, while many people believe in Christianity, without a doubt, others might question this belief.

One of the main reasons people leave other religions is because they fear what they do not understand, leading to a situation where several questions are left unanswered.

We would look at 99+ questions that Christians cannot answer.

What are Christian questions?

Christian questions are doubts about Christianity.

Questions can be about the beliefs and practices of Christianity, the Bible (which Christians consider their holy book), the life and lessons of Jesus Christ, God, how to live a Christian life, and the meaning of religious ceremonies like baptism and communion.

Christianity Questions That Cannot Be Answered:

  1. Why did God punish the entire Egyptian soldiers for the refusal of their King? Some individuals over the years have wondered why God decided to do that. However, no one can provide a good answer.
  2. Why is God meant in the Old Testament?
  3. If God possesses two wills, why does the Bible condemn double-mindedness?
  4. If God loves us, why is there a need for hellfire?
  5. Is God partial?
  6. Who created God?
  7. Can God end himself?
  8. Why can’t God show us Himself?
  9. Why do we suffer if we have God?
  10. Is God a male or female?

Christianity Questions That Cannot Be Answered:

  1. Why will God allow people to be born with defects?
  2. Why can’t dead sinners’ sins be forgiven?
  3. Is God a tyrant for wanting everyone to worship Him alone?
  4. Since God knows and sees all, why did he deceive Eve?
  5. Since God is merciful, why can’t we all go to heaven?
  6.  If doing evil for evil is wrong, should God be punishing us for our sins?                                        
  7. If God loves only those who love him, does that make him a sinner?         
  8. Why do daily atrocities exist?
  9. How did Noah get all the various species of living organisms into the ark?
  10. Why does the Bible give the earth only about 6000 years while scientific research has found objects to be millions of years older?

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Questions about the bible that cannot be answered:

  1. As Jesus went to hell and paid for our sins, why then do we need to go to pay for our sins again?
  2. Was Jesus’ sacrifice too little to pay for our sin that we must pay it twice?
  3. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, why did God tell them not to look back?
  4. Why did God turn lot’s wife into a pillar of salt if he is all-merciful?
  5. What is the importance of hell?
  6. Why do we need to stay in hell forever as sinners?
  7. Is hell a correctional facility?
  8. Why did God test Abraham’s faith since he knows our hearts?
  9. Why did God use Abraham’s only son to test him?
  10. How do we feel the pain of hell? Since our brain cells are dead, we shouldn’t feel pain.

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Christianity Questions That Cannot Be Answered:

  1. Why did God create angels that could defy him?
  2. Why is there so much divorce in Christian marriages? Since it was put in God’s hands, it should not be harmed.
  3. If Jesus is God, why did he beg himself at Gethsemane?
  4. Are wealthy Christians condemned already? Since the Bible says it is easier for a camel to pass through a needle eye than for a rich man to enter heaven.
  5. If everything God created is perfect, why must he use heaven to motivate us to believe in him?
  6. Since we have carnal reasoning, why did God say, “Come now and let us reason together?”
  7. Is God of one mind since the Bible says he has two wills?
  8. Can our good actions make us live forever?
  9. Will infants who die at birth make heaven?
  10. Isn’t it true that the devil and his works will be destroyed?

Questions about Christianity without answers:

  1. Why did God create the tree of knowledge that made the man fall?
  2. Why did the old lady God healed this week need her walker to get around again the following week?
  3. How did Elijah and Enoch go to heaven without dying?
  4. How are Elijah and Enoch surviving in heaven with their flesh?
  5. What use is free will if we do not intend to use it?
  6. What does Jesus look like?
  7. Jesus once said, “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.” Does this mean that Jesus wants Christians to kill off non-believers?
  8. Since Children are born pure, killing them or having an abortion will send them straight to God; isn’t that winning souls for Christ?
  9. Since God is holy, why are most evils conducted in his name?

Read this: Why do People become doctors? (Best answers)

Christianity Questions That Cannot Be Answered:

  1. How can we be happy in heaven knowing our family members might be burning in hell?
  2. How did humans multiply in the beginning?
  3. Apart from Adam and Eve, who else did God create?
  4. Did humans multiply through incest, which God condemns?
  5. Why didn’t God give Abraham and Sarah a child at a young age?
  6. When did Joseph, the father of Jesus, die?
  7. Did Mary, the mother of Jesus, die?
  8. Is Christ, in any sense, the savior of the unbelievers?
  9. If Adam was created immortal, could he ever have died?
  10. How did Mary conceive of the holy spirit?
  11. Can you give evidence of any miracle performed by God?
  12. Should sinners say “our father” since God is not a father of sinners?
  13. Can God’s goodness change to hatred?
  14. Where did God come from?
  15. Did God have any siblings, mom or dad?
  16. If punishing us for our sins is right, not punishing us should be wrong.
  17. Is Jesus really God?

Brain-cracking Christianity Questions That Cannot Be Answered:

  1. What would Christian theology look like if it had developed primarily in a non-Western culture?
  2. How would Christian practices and holidays differ if Christianity had merged with another major religion early in its history?
  3. If time travel were possible, how would visiting different Christian historical periods alter our understanding of the faith?
  4. How would Christianity interpret the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life and their religious beliefs?
  5. How would this be explained if a completely isolated society with beliefs strikingly similar to Christianity but without historical contact were discovered?
  6. What if the Bible had included detailed predictions about modern technological advancements; how would this change the interpretation of scripture?
  7. How would Christian doctrines evolve if humanity colonizes other planets and encounters vastly different environments and challenges?
  8. If historical figures from the Bible were to visit the modern world, what aspects of contemporary Christianity would they find most surprising or difficult to understand?
  9. How would Christian views on the afterlife change if there was definitive scientific evidence about what happens after death?
  10. What if the major events in Christian history had occurred in a completely different chronological order; how would that affect the development of Christian theology and denominational differences?

Atheist Questions about Christianity

According to Merriam-Webster, an atheist is someone who does not believe that there is a deity or gods.

And most American atheists are like this: 81% said they have no faith in God, a higher power, or any other spiritual force. Here are some of the atheist questions about Christianity:

  1. Does God have free will?
  2. What crime deserves to be punished for all time?
  3. When you say that Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit are all one God, what does that mean to you?
  4. Does it make sense for Christians to pray to Jesus in the hopes that he will talk to God on their behalf?
  5. Is the way you understand the Bible right?
  6. Would you rape your mother if God told you to?
  7. Is there any amount of proof that will make you stop believing in Christianity?
  8. Why are the miracles of today less impressive than those of the Bible?

Controversial Christian Questions That Seem Confusing

These questions can have multiple viewpoints and may not have definitive answers:

1. Predestination vs. Free Will:

This debate revolves around whether all events are predetermined by God (predestination) or if humans can make their own choices (free will).

This raises questions about God’s sovereignty and human responsibility.

2. The Problem of Evil:

This is a philosophical and theological dilemma. If God is omnipotent and benevolent, why does He allow evil and suffering?

The question challenges God’s nature and evil’s existence in a world created by Him.

3. The Nature of the Trinity:

Christianity teaches that God is one being in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The complexity lies in understanding how these three are distinct yet one, in essence, a concept central to Christian theology but difficult to fully comprehend.

4. The Historicity of Biblical Events:

This concerns whether events in the Bible are historically accurate or symbolic.

It raises questions about the nature of biblical texts – are they literal historical accounts or allegorical lessons?

5. Faith vs. Works:

This debate centers on whether salvation is achieved through faith alone or if good works are also necessary.

Christian denominations have varying interpretations of the balance between faith and actions in achieving salvation.

6. The Concept of Hell:

There are diverse beliefs about Hell within Christianity – is it a literal place of eternal torment, a state of separation from God, or something else?

The nature and purpose of Hell are widely debated.

7. The Role of Women in the Church:

This topic concerns whether women should be allowed to hold leadership positions within the church.

It touches on interpretations of biblical texts and the role of tradition in defining gender roles in church leadership.

8. Creation vs. Evolution:

This is about reconciling the biblical account of Creation with the scientific theory of evolution.

How should Christians interpret the Genesis creation story, and what does it mean for understanding the origins of life?

9. End Times Prophecies:

This involves interpreting the biblical prophecies about the end of the world.

There are various views on what these prophecies mean and how they will unfold, leading to different beliefs about the end times.

10. The Inerrancy of the Bible:

This question asks whether the Bible is error-free in all its teachings.

The inerrancy of Scripture is a fundamental belief for some Christians, while others interpret the Bible as inerrant in its spiritual teachings but not necessarily in historical or scientific details.

Frequently Asked Questions on Christianity Questions That Cannot Be Answered:

What are the unanswered questions in the Bible?

Was Jesus married?
Did Jesus walk on water?
When did Jesus die?
Was Jesus buried in the Shroud of Turin?

Who Wrote the Bible?

Until recently, the only person who could have written the book was Moses, the Hebrew prophet best known for leading the Israelites out of captivity in Egypt and across the Red Sea to the Promised Land.

Can you believe in God but not attend church?

According to recent research commissioned by the Church of Scotland, most people who quit attending church services still believe in God. According to the national church of Scotland, many people who used to participate in the church are now finding new ways to demonstrate their religion.

What are the five big questions of religion?

– Do religious experiences prove that there is a god?
– Do miracles exist?
– Do they prove there is a god?
– How can there be a god if so much evil exists in the world?


You may be unable to answer a series of questions as a Christian. This is why the Christian faith entails Faith; it simply means believing in things you do not see but have been told.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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