Homeschool Connections (Tips, Tricks, Details)

homeschool connections

Homeschool Connections is a family first Catholic tradition type of homeschool which is in two categories; Life Interactive Courses and Recorded Independent Courses.

Itโ€™s a homeschool interactive classes for middle and high school students, made in such a way that you can have a live interaction with your expert teachers.

Courses to be covered in Homeschool Connections:

  • Math
  • Science
  • Literature
  • Logic and Reasoning
  • Writing
  • Philosophy
  • Languages like German, Latin, Spanish
  • Government
  • Economics
  • Theology
  • History
  • Government

These courses can be categorized into middle school and high school students:

Middle School and High School Homeschool Curriculum:

These are the courses offered by the Students in the middle school and High School of Homeschool Connections:

Middle School HSCHigh School HSC
Language โ€“ Biblical Greek, German, Latin, Spanish, Sign Language Language โ€“ Biblical Greek, German, Latin, Spanish, Sign Language
MathLife Skills
Test Prep
Fine Arts
Computer Programming

Features of Homeschool Connections:

  • Online live Classes
  • Unlimited Access to over 400 recorded courses
  • Independence for Students
  • Feedback of Childโ€™s Grades and Performance
  • Learning at the best student pace

In Learning in the Full Homeschool Connections, a scope, and Sequence of Learning which is an outline for each student and the subjects is needed to be studied. Here is how it is done:

  • Itโ€™s a Christian Homeschool Connection so we start with prayer.
  • The Child is analyzed to know what courses are needed.
  • List the Childโ€™s Course work.
  • Get to know your Childโ€™s future plan and goals ie What he wants to be in the future, maybe a Doctor, a lawyer or an engineer. In this case, a child who wants to be a Lawyer will have different course work from a child who wants to be a Doctor. (homeschool connections)
  • Check out the Child Strengths and Weaknesses (What he is naturally good at).
  • Review the Homeschool Connection Catalog and understand more about what you have been given.
  • Get extra resources and information online to help hit your goal in due time.
  • Learn more from other homeschoolers who are part of a Homeschool.

Is Homeschool Connections Free? Whatโ€™s the Cost of Learning?

To get access to all the courses, you need unlimited access to over 400 recorded courses. Which includes:

  • Course recordings
  • Course Resources
  • Submission of Assignments
  • Exams and Tests/Quizzes
  • How to get a One on One Contact with Expert Instructor

All these can be accessed if you log in here

  • To access over 400 recorded courses, it costs $330 (12 Months) with a one-week free trial.
  • If you are to pay monthly, you can pay $30 per month with one week $1 trial.
  • $40 Monthly subscription for Two students with one week $1 trial.
  • $50 Monthly subscription for three or more students with one-week $1 trial
  • $440 Annual subscription for two students with a one-week free trial. (homeschool connections)
  • $550 Annual subscription for three or more students with a one-week free trial.

There is a 2019-20 Recorded course catalog included with the recorded course titles in PDF.

You can unsubscribe anytime you want by clicking the Unsubscribe button or send them an mail through

Three ways of taking HSC:

  • As a Supplement for your current curriculum
  • As a full curriculum
  • In your home Co-Op.

As a Supplement:

In using Homeschool Curriculum as a Supplement for your current homeschool curriculum, no matter the type of schooling you are into, it can serve well whether itโ€™s a homeschool study, unschool, or in between, the homeschool connections curriculum can serve.

It is made in such a way that you can educate your child any way you want to.

Thus, in enrolling in HSC, it will be explored as supplement material for the following school dynamics:

  1. Families who are already in a homeschool
  2. Parents who designed their childrenโ€™s home school.
  3. Unschooled children who follow a child-led model of education.

How can it serve?

  • Homeschool connections can serve well as a student in a situation where a child is having issues with Math, he/she can apply to use the Homeschool Connections live and interactive learning method to understand well.
  • A course that is not offered by your homeschool study can serve here.
  • A subject that is not well explained in your current homeschool study.

Thus if you want to use the homeschool connections as a supplement, do well to have the courses approved by the home study school before registration.

Find out about: Easy peasy all in one Homeschool โ€“ A Full Review

As a Full Curriculum:

In using the homeschool curriculum as a full curriculum, it involves following the procedures and steps mentioned above in this post, ie the grading and scope, the cost and the features mentioned above.

As a Co-Op:

Here, every family subscribes to unlimited access which involves $30 per month with additional courses added to the Co-Op courses.

Also for a single student, it can be purchased at $10 per month and you can cancel anytime you want too.

In teaching the students, they come together to watch and learn from the recorded courses through a computer connected to a television so that the students can hear and understand the class well. (homeschool connections)

The expert(Teacher) goes through the assignments and answers the questions in the assignment too.

Students also get to watch recorded lectures at home and bring their questions and problems to the next class which is tackled in the class together with the facilitator.

Finally, the students can be graded based on their assignments or their parents can self-grade them.

Find out about Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum and how to Homeschool for FREE(Best Tips!)


The homeschool connections have a goal to help little children get educated and learn faster and easier at a good pace. Visit the Homeschool Connections website here...

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