7 Medical Schools With 2-Year MCAT Expiration (FAQs)

Medical Schools With 2-Year MCAT Expiration

The MCAT is one of the most popular tests students who want to attend medical school take. Some schools, however, accept an MCAT score taken over two years.

Although this post is meant to discuss such schools, it will mostly provide an overview of the MCAT. It will also provide some MCAT passing tips.

What is the MCAT?

MCAT, which stands for Medical College Admission Test, is a standardized assessment test used to rank students who want to attend medical schools in several countries.

Examples of countries where the MCAT is used for admission are the United States, Australia, Canada, and the Caribbean Islands.

The MCAT is designed to assess candidates’ various skills and abilities.

This exam is a computer-based test organized by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).

How Long Does The MCAT Last?

MCAT is a test that lasts for about seven hours and 30 minutes. The timed content of the test, however, lasts for six hours and 15 minutes.

Moreover, MCAT candidates enjoy three breaks throughout the test: two 10-minute breaks and a 30-minute break.

How Important Is The MCAT?

A student’s MCAT performance is one of the major factors that the medical school admissions board considers when evaluating prospective students.

You must use the MCAT to prove that you can handle the rigorous coursework of medical school.

Moreover, several medical schools consider MCAT results above other admission requirements like GPA, extracurricular activities, interview performance, letters of recommendation, essays, and clinical experience.

But schools that look at the MCAT as a whole will put candidates with lower MCAT scores high on their list of preferred candidates if they also have good GPAs.

MCAT Sections

The MCAT has four different sections, namely:

  1. Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems (Chem/Phys)
  2. Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems (Biology)
  3. Psychological, social, and biological foundations of living systems (psychology)
  4. Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS)

From the four sections listed above, you can obtain a maximum score of 132 in each of them, bringing the total MCAT score to 528.

All MCAT sections have numerous passages that evaluate your understanding of the information contained in the passage.

Moreover, you will also be tested with individual questions in all but one section, Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS).

These individual questions are officially known as “discrete” questions. The passages provide the information you need to answer the additional questions.

However, to excel at answering questions from passages, you must spot the relationship between several passage components.

1. Chemical and Physics Foundations of Biological Systems

The chemical and physics section has only 59 questions that must be answered in less than 1 hour and 35 minutes.

To excel in this section, you must prepare effectively before the exams. However, you cannot use a calculator to attempt any questions in this section.

So, ensure that you learn to solve calculations correctly beforehand and note the units when solving.

Moreover, the Chemical and Physics Foundations of Biological Systems has 10 passages, 15 discrete questions, and 59 questions.

Questions in this section are drawn from biochemistry, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics.

Furthermore, to get a good score in the chemical and physics section of the MCAT, you must have a good knowledge of chemical and physical theories.

You must also develop the ability to read graphs.

Besides a calculator, you cannot use an equation sheet during the MCAT’s Chemical and Physics Foundations of Biological Systems section.

So, memorizing enough equations, like the ones related to kinetics, gases, and Gibbs free energy in chemistry and physics, before the exam will help you immensely.

On the other hand, the mathematics questions in this section revolve around several topics, and you can check the syllabus of the MCAT online to learn about them.

2. Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS)

The CARS section of the MCAT is made up of 53 questions that are all based on passages. This section has no discrete questions.

However, CARS is arguably the most difficult section of the MCAT. Questions in the CARS section are drawn from nine different passages.

Moreover, there is no study material out there that is specially dedicated to the CARS section.

The passages cover various topics, from the social sciences to the humanities. Each passage can be as long as 500 to 600 words.

To succeed in the CARS section of the MCAT, you have to prepare yourself effectively. You must also learn to distinguish reality from estimates and make accurate deductions.

Go to the internet for information about the CARS section syllabus.

3. Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems

The Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems is one of the four sections of the MCAT.

To excel in this section, you must possess knowledge of biological and biochemical concepts. You will be tested on a variety of processes in living organisms.

However, expect questions to be drawn from areas beyond reproduction, homeostasis, and adaptation.

Moreover, 10 passages comprise the “Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems” section of the MCAT.

This section also has 15 discrete questions. This section has 59 questions.

However, you must complete all these questions in about 95 minutes.

Furthermore, to excel in the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems section, you must know several study materials and research methodologies well.

Many students enjoy this section because it is not as difficult as the others, and being able to think rationally and understand the information and details shown in graphs will be very beneficial.

The Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems section syllabus can be found online.

4. Psychological, Social, Biological, and Biological Foundations of Behaviour

The Psychological, Social, Biological, and Biological Foundations of Behavior section is another component of the MCAT.

You must combine scientific inquiry and reasoning to tackle this section’s questions.

This section is made up of about 10 passages and 15 discrete questions. The section has a total number of 59 questions.

Moreover, questions in the MCAT’s Psychological, Social, Biological, and Biological Foundations of Behavior section are drawn from biology, psychology, and sociology.

All questions must be answered in less than 95 minutes.

The questions in this section test your knowledge of realities and theories rather than your capacity to process information quickly.

So, to prepare for this section effectively, work on your psychological abilities and your capacity to read graphs.

What Are The Examples Of Medical Schools With A Two-Year MCAT Expiration

Here are some medical schools with a 2-year MCAT expiration:

1. Mercer University School of Medicine:

A minimum percentile rank of 24 on the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) taken on or after April 1, 2020, is required of all applicants. They will only be considering the highest MCAT score.

2. Tulane University School of Medicine:

Tulane University School of Medicine will accept MCAT scores from up to three years before the entry cycle.

To apply for the fall 2024 class, for example, you will need MCAT marks from at least 2021.

3. University of Louisville School of Medicine:

The ULSOM will only accept the most recent MCAT score. Scores that are more than two years old will not be accepted.

Applications from students whose MCAT scores are still being processed are accepted and looked at.

Secondary applications may be given to people who don’t have MCAT scores.

This will depend on the information that is already in the application. Applicants shouldn’t wait to apply just because they don’t have their MCAT score.

However, applicants need an MCAT test before they can be considered for an interview.

4. Drexel University College of Medicine:

The College of Medicine will accept MCAT scores from three years before the application year.

They will look at MCATs from applicants for 2024 that are no older than 2020.

Drexel University will accept scores for the entry year of 2024 until December 2023.

January 2024 scores are not considered for candidates for the class of 2024.

5. Rush University Medical Center

According to Rush University Medical Center, they will accept MCAT scores from tests given between January 2021 and September 2023 for students who want to start at RUSH in the fall of 2024.

If an applicant doesn’t take the test within this time window, they have to take it again.

6. West Virginia University School of Medicine

According to the West Virginia University School of Medicine, regular Decision applicants will be able to use scores from tests they took between September 2020 and September 2023.

While all scores are looked at, the committee only hears about the most current total and sub-scores on the MCAT.

7. Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California

Those who want to join the class of 2024 must have taken the MCAT between January 1, 2021, and September 30, 2023, to be considered for entry.

The Admissions Committee can see and think about all MCAT scores that meet the above requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Medical Schools With 2-Year MCAT Expiration

Is a 517 MCAT score good?

The current cutoff for an excellent MCAT score is 515 or higher, which places you in the 90th percentile of test takers. Exceptional performance is defined as a score over 517. If you apply to medical schools and get that score, you can be accepted.

When should I take the MCAT for the 2023 cycle?

Taking the exam in the spring of 2023 is preferable for the 2022-2023 application cycle because of the one-month lag between the exam date and the score release date.

Is taking the MCAT in April too late?

Although March and April are the ideal months to take the MCAT, you can still do so if necessary. May or June MCATs are acceptable. Your application may not be slowed down very much by this. One should only do so when one is ready.

What is the easiest month to take the MCAT?

July is ideal for taking the MCAT since it gives you nearly a full month to study for the test while still allowing you to enjoy some of your summer. However, if you take the MCAT in July, you will likely still need to study for it throughout the school semester, though you can squeeze in a few more weeks of studying before the conclusion of the semester.


The MCAT is an assessment used to evaluate students who want to pursue a medical degree.

It is one of the most comprehensive admission tests in the world.

This article has provided information on the four sections of the test and examples of medical schools with a 2-year MCAT expiration.

However, to prepare for the MCAT effectively, use prep study materials, sign up for tutorial classes, and take several practice tests.

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