17+ Questions to ask Student Ambassadors (Tips, FAQs)

Questions to ask Student Ambassadors

Being a student ambassador is often worth it.

From the point of view of a student, they give useful information and real-life examples about college life, classes, and extracurricular activities.

This can help people who want to attend college or university choose a school.

This article explains the questions you can ask a student ambassador and the associated FAQs.

Who are Student Ambassadors?

Student ambassadors are students at a college or university who help new and prospective students learn about the school.

Try to picture them as guides or helpers. As students there, they know a lot about the school.

They help new students feel welcome by showing them around and answering their questions about what it’s like to go to school there.

Why Do you have to ask Student Ambassadors Questions?

It is important to ask questions of student ambassadors because they are students who already go to the school and can give you first-hand information.

They can tell you interesting things about the school that you might not find in handouts or websites.

They talk about classes, school life, facilities, and support services from the point of view of a real student.

This information gives you the tools to decide if the university is right for you.

Student volunteers can also give new and potential students tips and advice based on their experiences, which can be very helpful as they try to figure out how to live at university.

Questions to ask Student Ambassadors

1. Can you tell me about clubs or groups I can join?

This question helps you understand the extracurricular opportunities available.

It’s about discovering what kinds of activities, interest groups, or societies you can join that can enhance your university experience and social life.

2. Have you stayed in the dorms here?

The point of this question is to get a personal opinion on life in the dorms at the university.

It can help you decide if it’s a good choice by telling you about the rooms’ quality and the community’s vibe.

3. What are some nice places to live near the campus, and why are they good?

Here, you’re seeking advice on the best neighborhoods or areas to live in as a student.

The ‘why’ part is crucial because it will provide the reasons that make these areas desirable, like safety, proximity to campus, availability of amenities, or affordability.

4. Should I bring my car, or is it easy to use buses and trains here?

This question is about understanding the practicality of having a car on campus versus using public transportation.

Factors to consider include parking availability and costs, the convenience of public transit, and the general necessity of a car in the area.

It may seem absurd, but it is one of the important questions to ask student ambassadors.

5. Are you writing a big project or thesis? What’s it about?”

If you ask a senior or graduate student this question, they might tell you about the projects or studies they do for school.

It also gives you an idea of how hard the classes are and what kinds of things you can study at the university.

6. Is it easy to find a job for a few hours a week?

This is about employment opportunities for students.

It helps to understand how feasible it is to balance studies with work and what job opportunities are available around the campus.

7. What do people do for fun in the evenings or on weekends?”

This question is aimed at understanding the social scene. It includes parties, events, cultural activities, dining out, or popular student hangouts.

8. Can you tell me about the sports centres and what activities are available?

People interested in sports or exercise can use this question to learn about gyms, swimming pools, tracks, and the different sports or clubs they can join.

9. What are classes like here?

This question helps you learn more about how the university works as a place for learning.

You may discover class sizes, teachers’ teaching styles, and how much work you must do.

It makes you think about what going to school every day would be like.

10. What’s the food like on campus?

Dining at college is more than just a way to get food; it’s an important part of life on campus.

This question can help you learn about the types of food on campus, how good they are, and how much they cost.

It tells you about meal plans, different diets (like vegetarian or vegan), and places to eat, like bars and restaurants.

11. What kind of help can I get with my studies?

This is about the academic support structure at the university.

It covers services like tutoring centers, writing help, or subject-specific assistance.

You can also learn about library resources, study spaces, and any special programs for academic success.

12. Is the campus safe?

This is one of the important questions to ask student ambassadors.

Safety is an important thing to think about.

This question is about safety steps on campus, such as emergency services, escort services at night, and the general safety of the area.

It also concerns how the university handles accidents and other problems.

13. What kind of technology and facilities does the campus have?

Modern education often relies heavily on technology.

This question helps you understand the availability and accessibility of technological resources like computer labs, online learning platforms, and specialized course equipment.

Additionally, it covers general campus facilities like recreational centres, lounges, and study areas.

14. What kind of help does the university offer to students?

Universities typically offer support services to assist students in various aspects of their lives and studies.

This includes mental health counselling, career services, health care, financial aid advice, and support for specific groups like international students or students with disabilities.

15. Are there any special traditions or events at the university?

Each college has its own customs and events that make up its culture.

By asking this question, find out what kinds of neighbourhood events, festivals, or traditions you can look forward to.

These can be a fun and important part of college life.

16. Can students get internships or do research?

This is one of the important questions to ask student ambassadors.

For many students, gaining practical experience through internships or participating in research projects is a key part of their education.

This question reveals how the university supports these opportunities, their availability, and any significant programs or relationships with companies or research institutions.

17. How diverse is the campus, and how does the university support inclusivity?

This question addresses the cultural, ethnic, and social diversity on campus.

It also covers how the university helps underrepresented groups, promotes tolerance, and creates an inclusive environment.

18. How much does living here as a student cost?

Learning about the costs of going to college is very important.

Not just school fees but also the cost of food, housing, transportation, and other personal costs.

This question helps you plan your budget and get ready financially for college.

FAQs on the Questions to ask Student Ambassadors

What should I ask a student ambassador about campus life?

Ask about the campus atmosphere, student activities and organizations, dorm living conditions, and how the university supports student well-being and social life.

What academic-related questions are good to ask a student ambassador?

Inquire about the strengths and weaknesses of your intended major, research and internship opportunities, faculty accessibility, and class sizes. Also, ask how the program prepares students for post-graduation.

What questions should I ask about student support services?

Ask about the availability and quality of academic advising, career services, mental health resources, and other support systems like tutoring or mentorship programs.

What’s important to ask about real-world experiences?

Question them about opportunities for practical experiences like internships, co-op programs, and study abroad options and how the university helps facilitate them and integrate them into the curriculum.


There are a lot of great reasons to become a student ambassador.

First, it helps you learn useful skills for your future job, such as communicating, leading, and working with others.

You can also meet new people, such as workers and other students, to help you build your network.

As a student ambassador, you may have to promote your school at events that can be fun and rewarding.

Plus, it looks good on your resume because it shows that you’re involved in the life of your school.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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