Diff btw Co-Curricular & Extra-Curricular activities (Meaning, FAQs)

You will still be worried about the differences between Extra-Curricular and Co-curricular activities.

Sometimes it might not be so clear to you because both of them are similar, but in this post, I will show you the unique differences between these two activities.

What are Curricular Activities:

Curricular activities are everything that has to do with your course of study. It includes your courses, the required topics to be taught, the practicals involved, and the time it will be taught.

Co-curricular Activities and Extracurricular activities follow curricular activities.

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Co-Curricular Activities:

co curricular activities

Just like the name โ€œCoโ€ implies, it complements the curricular activities in school.

These activities are school activities that help students understand better what is taught in school.

The school can sponsor it to help improve the social life of a student because itโ€™s in line with academic activities, and itโ€™s like experimentation with what is taught in class though itโ€™s more practical here.

E.g of Co-curricular Activities in Art shows, Jet clubs, Drama competitions, Chess competitions, debates, etc.

These activities might take place during or after school hours, and the school is 100% in support of it.

In comparing these activities, this is one factor that distinguishes both of them.

Extra-Curricular Activities:

co curricular activities

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Extra, unlike Co-curricular activities, are the activities done after school hours. There is no connection between this activity and the course you study.

Even from the name โ€œExtra,โ€ you will notice that they are the things you need to do after school activities, so the name explains it well.

E.g. Political Activities, Sports, Swimming, Athletics, Gymnasium, etc. All these activities are not in line with the curricular activities but are there to help build and develop the life of a College Student.

Practical Explanation of Extra and Co-Curricular Activities:

Joe is a College Student studying Chemical Engineering; he is a dedicated member of Jet Club, a Co-curricular activity that is part of the school activities.

After school activities, he goes for soccer training which is totally off the school activities(Extra-Curricular activity), and plays wonderfully well.

So this is a clear explanation of the differences between the two.

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Importance of Co-curricular Activities:

  • It broadens a studentโ€™s horizon and helps a student learn more about his field of study.
  • You get to connect and network with like minds that are just like you, who share the same interest and purpose.
  • Your popularity will increase if you are exceptional and good at your work.
  • It helps to build talent and add spices to your resume and future.
  • These activities will build your mindset and the spirit of healthy competition.
  • It prevents idealness in students.
  • It will help you build and develop time management skills.

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How do I balance my Extra-Curricular life and Academic Life:

Being too involved in Extra-Curricular can make you take off your attention and forget your reason for being in school.

How do you handle it, so one doesnโ€™t affect the other while still being productive?

  • Plan your day
  • Do your best
  • Manage your time properly
  • Donโ€™t take more than you can do
  • Plan your day
  • Do your best
  • Manage your time properly
  • Donโ€™t take more than you can do

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Frequently Asked Questions on Diff btw Co-Curricular & Extra-Curricular activities:

What are examples of co-curricular activities?

Student council
School sports teams
Math clubs
Chess clubs
Talent shows
Spelling bees

What is another word for extracurricular activities?

extra classroom activity.

What does Intracurricular mean?

It means within your curricular

Are hobbies extracurricular activities?

An extracurricular activity is anything you do outside of class that isnโ€™t required as part of your formal education. More specifically, extracurriculars are often defined as activities and sports that are not counted against a studentโ€™s grade in school.


These are the differences between Extra-Curricular activities and Co-curricular activities. Sometimes I misplace the two, but itโ€™s clear to you and me by now.

Awesome one; I hope this article answered your question.

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