How Long Does It Take To Get Accepted Into College? (FAQs)

Get Accepted Into College

Getting Accepted Into College: Most schools around the world usually take between four and six weeks to send acceptance letters to successful applicants.

However, as an applicant to a college, the duration it will take for you to get a response from the college depends on when you submit your application.

Several colleges offer Early Decision, Early Action, regular admission, and rolling admission application rounds. Each of them has different deadlines and, of course, different application time spans.

This article will discuss the college application rounds and several ways to enhance your chances of admission into a university.

College application rounds

The four college applications include:

1. Early Decision

If you applied to any college or university during Early Decision round, you would possibly obtain feedback from the school around December or January.

However, everything still boils down to the Early Decision deadline of the school because all schools have different deadlines and dates for the release of students accepted via Early Decision application.

Moreover, most colleges have two deadlines for early decision applicants: Early Decision I and Early Decision II.

NB: Early decision is binding, which means that if you are accepted through early decision, you have to go to that school.

You have to give up any other applications you might have sent to other schools for the regular deadlines. Under the early decision, you can’t apply to more than one college.

2. Early Action

You can apply to most colleges by sending in an Early Action application.

Moreover, you need to note that most schools have an early action deadline in early November or December and admission letters are typically sent to students who submitted Early Action applications about two months after the deadline.

NB: When students apply for early action, they will receive a decision from the school before the typical response date.

3. Regular Admission

Regular admission is another form of application that several colleges accept.

Most schools typically inform successful applicants of their admissions in March or April, depending on the submission deadline, which is about one month early.

NB: One of the most popular application types is “regular admissions,” which allows applicants to submit a single application to an unlimited number of schools.

Each applicant is contacted at the same time in the spring of their senior year once the institution has had a chance to review all applications.

4. Rolling Admission

Rolling Admission is another popular application format used by colleges. However, it is not as popular as the first three application formats listed above.

In rolling admission applications, colleges assess applications as they come in and do not wait until after the deadline before evaluating every application sent.

With rolling admission, applicants will know their fates faster. Rolling admission applicants normally know the college’s decision within a month.

How To Improve Your Chances Of Getting Into College:

Most colleges have difficult admissions processes.

For schools like Harvard and MIT that have low acceptance rates, all the applications sent in are heavily scrutinized by the college admissions team down to the very last details.

Thus, when applying to a college, ensure that you send a perfect application. The nine tips below will enhance your chances of gaining admission to the college of your dreams:

1. Have the highest grades in the most difficult courses

Most colleges consider a student’s GPA more for admission than anything else. Some even have an official GPA that a student must meet before they are considered for admission.

Thus, to increase your chances of landing admission, ensure that you maintain a high GPA in high school after taking the most difficult classes like AP, honors, and IB courses.

It proves to the college that you are a student that is open to challenges and is not prepared to settle for less, especially in subjects that concern you.

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2. Obtain an excellent score on a standardized test

Most schools request a standardized test score from students as one of the most important college admission requirements.

Of all the numerous standardized tests, the SAT and ACT remain the two most acceptable tests colleges require.

To gain admission into your dream school, you have to have a good score on the standardized test demanded by the school.

3. Craft an outstanding essay

The quality of the essay you submit can either enhance or reduce your admission chances because many schools now consider the quality of an application essay over a student’s score on a standardized test.

Through an essay, you are supposed to showcase to the school’s admissions committee why you deserve to be admitted by them and why you feel that the school is the best place for your educational development.

So, when writing an application essay, take the time to show that you have a unique point of view and try as hard as you can to tell an exciting story.

4. Demonstrate interest

Having demonstrated interest can enhance your admission chances. Most schools admit students that have demonstrated an interest in them over other applicants.

If you’re determined to attend a certain school, you may show it by taking a tour, interacting with admission authorities, and organizing an optional interview.

Moreover, you can also indicate interest by interacting with instructors in the program you wish to enroll in, filing an Early Decision application, engaging with the school via social media, and attending any online event offered by the school for admission-seeking students.

5. Obtain strong recommendation letters

Sending in a strong recommendation letter and other requirements is another factor that can enhance your chances of gaining admission into a school.

Schools highly rate recommendation letters because they show the qualities you possess that cannot be measured through your grades and academic scores.

As a result, you need to ensure that your letters of recommendation are only written by people with a good knowledge of you and can perfectly talk about the abilities, qualities, and achievements you possess with a great sense of zeal.

Several schools normally ask for more than one letter of recommendation.

6. Apply to a wide variety of colleges

Sending an application to a lot of schools is another way to enhance your chances of gaining admission.

You can consult with your teacher in school to assist you in drafting a list of schools that you can be accepted into with the requirements you possess.

Immediately after your teacher has done that, check out the schools’ admission requirements and organize them immediately.

Applying to several schools will increase your chances of gaining admission into any of your preferred schools if your most preferred school rejects your application.

7. Apply early

If you are hell-bent on gaining admission into a particular school, you must apply early.

This is because most schools always admit students who have submitted Early Decision and Early Action applications.

However, you need to note that when you apply to a college via the Early Decision round, you will have no choice but to attend the school if admitted.

On the contrary, you are not under an obligation to participate in a school when you apply via the Early Action round.

8. Keep up a good reputation

Most colleges always check applicants’ social media pages before granting admission.

They do this to obtain more information about a student and search for a possible negative lifestyle they may be living.

Thus, ensure that you don’t post erotic content on your social media pages, so you don’t destroy your chances of gaining admission.

9. Get some help

Most college admissions processes are always very taxing and baffling.

Thus, when you are organizing your application documents, endeavor to take advantage of all the help you can get, beginning with the help offered by your parents or siblings and ending with that of your teacher.

Moreover, schedule a meeting with a current school student and ask for their advice on how you can go about the entire admission process seamlessly.

Frequently Asked Questions on Getting Accepted Into College

What do colleges look for?

Today’s universities seek applicants whose unique blend of skills and life experiences will make them stronger as an institution. Admissions officers place a premium on academic achievement, extracurricular involvement, standardized test scores, and the quality of the applicant’s statement.

What to do if no college accepts you?

– Apply to a Community College
– Find a Job
– Reapply later

How long do colleges take to accept you?

Regular decision is the best option if you have applied to numerous institutions and are still undecided about which one to attend. In this circumstance, mail will likely continue to arrive between the middle of March and the beginning of April.

Can community college reject you?

Like any other type of university, community colleges reserve the right to reject applicants. Possible rejection reasons are many. They range from insufficient paperwork to a surplus of students using all available services. You can check in with admissions beforehand if you think you might be rejected.


Several colleges around the globe have three to four application rounds, namely Early Decision, Early Action, Regular Admission, and Rolling Admission application rounds.

Moreover, they send their admission offers between four and six weeks after the deadline of an application round.

Getting admission into any school is not always easy, so use the tips above to give yourself a chance of getting into the school of your choice.

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