5 Recommended Abbreviations for “International”

You could be chatting with someone on social media, and boom! You want to type a sentence that includes “International” in it. Then, you will wonder and ask yourself what the abbreviation for international is.

The word “International” seems very tiring to write or type in full; that’s why most writers abbreviate it to drive down a point faster or write it in full for official purposes.

As you read this article, I will show you the recommended abbreviations for International and explain the words for you to understand.

  • Int. – This is the abbreviation that takes the first three letters.
  • Intl. – Unlike the Int., this one takes the first three letters and the last letter.
  • Int’l. – This abbreviation takes the first three letters, including an apostrophe, and adds the last letter.
  • INT – Although not too common, it takes only the first three letters written in capital letters.
  • Internat. – Although not too common, it takes the first eight letters.

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Abbreviation for International

Meaning of International:

International, as the name implies, means “Inter” and “national,” meaning that a business or relationship is carried out between countries or nations. As an adjective in a sentence, it drives more meaning to the subject of the sentence.


  • Football is an international sport; it’s beyond the field and players.
  • The name of my school is Access International School.
  • Profitable International trade helps to strengthen and develop the currency of a country.

Writing the Abbreviation for International:

  • Football is an int’l sport; it’s beyond the field and players.
  • The name of my school is Access Int’l School.
  • Profitable Intl trade helps to strengthen and develop the currency of a country.

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FAQ on the Recommended Abbreviation for “International”

What is the standard abbreviation for “International”?

The standard abbreviation for “International” is “Int’l.”

Can “Intl” be used without the apostrophe for “International”?

Yes, “Intl” without the apostrophe is often used, especially in contexts like business names or email addresses where special characters might be avoided. However, “Int’l” with the apostrophe indicates the omission of letters more clearly.

Are there specific contexts where I should avoid abbreviating “International”?

In formal writing, legal documents, or when clarity is essential, it’s recommended to spell out “International” in full. Abbreviations might lead to misunderstandings or appear less professional in such contexts.

Does every country recognize “Int’l” as the abbreviation for “International”?

While “Int’l” is widely recognized, it’s always essential to consider the audience. In some non-English-speaking countries, “International” might have a different abbreviation or none. Always prioritize clarity and understanding for your intended audience.


The recommended abbreviation for international includes the following:

  • Int.
  • Intl.
  • Int’l.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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Paschal Uchechukwu
Paschal Uchechukwu

Paschal Uchechukwu Christain is a professional and passionate SEO writer on Education, including homeschool, college tips, high school, and travel tips.

He has been writing articles for over 5 years. He is the Chief Content Officer at School & Travel.

Paschal Uchechukwu Christain holds a degree in Computer Science from a reputable institution. Also, he is passionate about helping people get access to online money-making opportunities.

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