Living Off-Campus vs On-Campus

College students need a place to live, whether its living off-campus vs On-campus. Both are good in their own ways but in this post we will compare the both to know which is better:

Living On-Campus:

Who is an On-Campus Student?

An On-Campus student is one who resides inside the campus.

He could live in the dorm or in the hostel of the campus.

An On-campus student(mostly freshers) live in the hostel because they are new and would love to understand how the school functions.

Pros of Living On-Campus:

1.Closer to school:

Staying On-Campus gives you the opportunity to stay very close to school and know when there is lecture or not.

On-campus life makes you understand that you are really in school to read and study well because you will be surrounded by like minds like you,

that is why its advisable for new students(fresher) to stay on campus so that they can get acquainted with the way school is going and avoid making unnecessary mistakes.

2. Improvement in Social life:

There is time for everything on-Campus, so you get to really improve in your social life like joining in sports, burn-fire parties, birthday parties and many more.

Some of the social activities scheduled for students are mostly done On-Campus so students On-campus benefit more because its in their area that its being done.

Though students Off-Campus can come but its going to be very few because of the distance between their house and the school.

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Living Off-Campus vs On-Campus: Cons of Living On-Campus:


Due to the arrangement of the room in the hostel, there will be no privacy because anybody can walk into your room at any time.

There are times that you will like to be alone but you can’t be because people are always entering and leaving the room.

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You can drop a valuable thing in your room and someone can come in and pick it up without your consent leading to unnecessary harrassment and other insecurities.

2. Congestion:

living Off-Campus vs On-Campus

Due to the way the system is being run, inorder to accommodate everyone applying to stay in the hostel, accommodation will be provided for a small room with about 8 persons in it.

You will find it difficult to even arrange or keep your personal belongings because there is no space at all for you.

3. Annoying Rules:

Rules like “No Cooking after Light-Out”, “No visiting after 10pm”, “No Cooking Gas in the Hostel” etc are annoying and are the cool things you can do if you stay Off-Campus.

Funny enough, breaking the rules can lead to unnecessary punishment from your fellow student who is under a higher authority than you.

4. Can be Expensive:

Comfortable rooms in the hostel are quite expensive for those who find it difficult to cope with the way the hostel is.

So, due to some students want to stay close to school and avoid distractions from Off-Campus, they can opt-into staying in the expensive rooms.

Living Off-Campus vs On-Campus


living Off-Campus vs On-Campus

Who is an Off-Campus Student?

An Off-Campus Student is one who resides outside the area of the Campus.

He/she could live in a single room alone or share it with a friend.

Off-Campus students are mostly higher-level students who have stayed in the school for a while and understands how the school activities are done.

Pros of Living Off-Campus:

1.Free life:

living Off-Campus vs On-Campus

In comparing living Off-Campus vs On-Campus, Off-campus gives you the best freedom you can ever enjoy.

You are free to go any where and come back anytime. Entertain any type of visitor you like, your parents, friends etc, that’s the joy of staying off-campus.

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Another thing that follow freedom is Space. You will have enough space to keep whatever property that you have in your self contain room.

2. Privacy:

Privacy is utmost when comparing living Off-Campus vs On-Campus. You have high privacy, no body has the right to enter your room unnecessarily,

you can keep money in your room , go out to any where and still see it in your room when you are back. Nobody can take away what is yours.

Your Privacy can be tampered with in a little way if you have a roommate. The only thing involved is to find a roommate that you can lively comfortably with.

Read this: Find out the 8 types of Roommates in college.

3. Cheaper at times:

Rooms are cheaper Off-Campus depending on the distance between the house and the school.

Students love to stay in the lodges that are closer to school so they tend to pay higher but if you opt-in to stay in lodges that are far from school, you will pay less.

The Cost of living Off-Campus can be cheaper if you have a roommate who you can divide the money 50/50 and pay. The more roommates you have the lesser the money you pay.

Cons of Living Off-Campus:


living Off-Campus vs On-Campus

In comparing living Off-Campus vs On-Campus, Distraction is one major problem students Off-Campus face a lot.

They get distracted by the television in the room, invited friends and the distance between the lodge and the school.

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2. Loneliness:

In comparing living Off-Campus vs On-Campus, you cannot be lonely On-Campus because you are surrounded by people all the time.

Friends will always come to visit and they are stone throw away from you.

If you don’t have a roommate, you will feel lonely most of the times unless you go out to visit or stay with friends for a while.

3. Low Buoyant Roommate:

If your roommate is such that he isn’t buoyant, you will be the one to take care of most of the bills of the house. But in On-campus, you are alone and on your own.

4. Transportation Cost:

Due to the distance from school, you tend to transport yourself to school everyday unlike in the On-campus hostel where you stroll into the lecture hall because its very close to your hostel.


Considering the comparison on living Off-Campus vs On-Campus, you will find out that each one has its pros and cons, so its left for you to decide the best one that can fit you and still make you much comfortable.

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