Wow! 10 Personal Development books every Student should read…(Amazing)
Have you heard this phrase, “Don’t let your schooling interfere with your Education“
It sounds weird, right? Let me explain…
You are a student; you attend lectures, you study your academic books, and yes, that’s okay…You are just Schooling.
Educating yourself is growing your life all around (360 degrees); it includes: attending lectures, reading non-academics books that can help you speak better,
communicate well, develop your leadership skills, involve yourself in extra-curricular activities, etc.
I’m touched by the phrase above because while in school, I focused on schooling alone; I was a triangular student(From class to the library to home… repeatedly).
I don’t want you to make the same mistake I made while in school.
Let’s return to the topic: (Personal Development books every Student should read).

There are a thousand and one books out there, but these ten books have changed the lives of those that read them(for example, me).
Reading is a core factor in a student’s life; I don’t mean reading academic books; I suggest reading books that will help you grow yourself in character, wisdom, and Understanding.
Personal Development books every Student should read:
1. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale:
“One of the most powerful concepts, which is a sure cure for lack of confidence, is the thought that God is actually with you and helping you.”
This book is an international bestseller with more than 5 million copies.
It’s purely a personal development book that teaches how to believe in yourself, how to have constant energy, the prayer power,
how to create your happiness, how to expect the best and get it, how to solve personal problems, how to get people to like you, and how to draw upon that higher power.
This book has changed my life, and I recommend it to you.
One thing that struck me in this book is the ability to empty your mind and fill it with positive thoughts of Success.
This book is no one book among the Personal Development books every Student should read.
Grab a copy and read and tell a friend about this book now.
2. GET SET(Student Entrepreneurship Toolkit) by Bella Victor:
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently – Warren Buffett.”
This book is a business/self-development book. It gives you the ultimate business guide with 101 profitable business ideas to start any business as a student.
One thing I love about this book is its interactive, practical, straightforward, easy to understand, and, most importantly, the words are student-friendly.
If you want to learn the ethics of Branding yourself, and your business, how to apply for grants, how to write a Business plan, and how to get money to start a business, then this book is for you.
It was written by a problem solver (Bella Victor) and forwarded by Prof.O.Ebiringa and Eizu Uwaoma.
This is my best business/self-development among the 10 Personal Development books every Student should read.
Grab a copy, read it, and tell a friend about this excellent book.
3. Buy the Future by Otabil Mensa:
“People see life from where they are. If for some reason, you sit in the seat of scarcity, you will only see scarcity even if your environment abounds in wealth.”
This book teaches how to negotiate for a future better than the present.
How does the future look?
Do you wish to discover the tools by which you can design a better future for yourself?
The power of choice has been given to each of us; how we formulate our options now becomes crucial to the quantity of life we live shortly.
It used the story of Esau and Jacob to explain how choices are made properly. In addition, this book teaches how to discover the tools to redesign your life and future.
Grab a copy and read till the end.
This book is the best for learning the act of negotiation among the Personal Development books every student should read.
4. Dig your well before you’re Thirsty by Harvey Mackay:
“Your standing among your peers is probably the single most accurate indicator of the value of your network.”
This book is the only networking book you’ll ever need. It teaches you how to build a good network.
Remember that your Network is your net worth, so you need to build a network that will help you build a better future.
It explained the ten rules of networking:
- I will not assume that the person with the credentials is the person with the power.
- I will not confuse visibility with credibility for mine or anyone else’s.
- For the other guy, I will never say no.
- I will differentiate between my network and my company’s network.
- I’ll ask my customers and contacts if I don’t know or am unsure.
I don’t want to give you all the ten rules of networking; I want you to grab the book and read.
Tell a friend about this book.
This book is the best networking book among the Personal Development books every Student should read.
5. Think Like a billionaire become a Billionaire by Scot Anderson:
“Just solve 5% more problems than you are right now, and you will move from average to successful.”
This book is all about the way you think.
It talks about seven aspects of life which include:
1. Money: We look for money to spend, but Billionaires look for ways to invest money.
2. Investing: We invest just a little.
3. Jobs: We think a better job will make us wealthy.
4. Risks: We avoid risks because we might fail, but Billionaires know if they don’t take risks, they’ve already failed.
I don’t want to give you all the seven aspects of life; I want you to grab the book and read.
Tell a friend about the 5th Personal Development books every Student should read.
Read this post: The 21st-century Skills every student needs
6. Valuable Content Marketing by Sonja Jefferson and Sharon Tanton:
“Content is king; in writing contents, use the AIDA principle – Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action.”
This book teaches how to write quality content and the key to business success.
It teaches why creating and sharing valuable content is so influential today.
It teaches how to get the best out of new marketing tools at your disposal – blogging, social media, video, e-books, email marketing,
how to make your website valuable, and how to distribute your valuable content so it reaches the people who buy your products or services, how salespersons can use valuable content to open doors for better sales conversations,
a practical step by step content marketing strategy for your business,
how to uncover your organization’s hidden store of valuable content, how to write the type of content that people want to find and share.
This is the only book (10 Personal Development books every Student should read) that teaches how to write content. It was the book I read before I started this website.
Grab this book.
7. Go Pro by Eric Worre:
“It’s hard to meet new people if you hide from the world.”
This network marketing book teaches how to build a network of people around your business. It teaches you the best way to find prospects, invite prospects and understand your products well, present your product to your prospects, and follow up with them.
It also teaches you the act of networking with people.
Grab a copy of this book and read it.
8. How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie:
“Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Don’t forget it!”
Carnegie teaches that to succeed in life; you must put others first. Then, communicate to that person that they own that number one spot. Therefore, you should be honest and sincere.
Don’t criticize, condemn, or complain about the other person. If you want others to like you, remember their name, smile at them, and be a good listener.
He shared his research and knowledge in this book, published in 1936.
It’s one of the most outstanding books ever and is essential among the personal development books every student should read.
9. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey:
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”
Since it was first published in 1989, there have been over 25 million copies of this book. It is in print in over 40 languages.
College students, entrepreneurs, business owners, corporate presidents, and Presidents of the United States of America value Covey’s words.
In 2011, this book was one of the 25 most influential books for business management, and it’s an influential book among the ten personal development books every student should read.
If you desire to succeed, there are seven habits you should develop. In this article, we summarize the meaning of the seven habits taught by Covey.
The first three habits began with a person’s ability to be a master of themself.
You should be willing to do what it takes to make things happen.
Know where you want to end up before you start. Start with the things that are most important first.
The following three habits deal with how to interact with others. Your actions must yield positive results for everyone.
Attempt to understand others before trying to explain your views. Develop a strong team by working together.
The final habit takes us back full circle with a reminder about the need to keep improving upon the other six, Keep learning.
10. Anger is a Choice by Tim Lahaye with Bob Phillips:
“Are you an angry person?… Then join the club! So are we; we both have struggled with anger in the past. “You mean you don’t struggle with it now?” you ask.
We want to be able to answer that by saying we no longer have to face our anger. We want to tell you that we have found the “golden key” that eliminates hostility.
And that if you follow specific techniques, you will no longer have to deal with anger”.
This book is designed with several thoughts in mind:
i.To help you as an individual to make choices about your anger.
ii. To be used as a study guide for Bible classes, home study, groups, or other small groups.
This book is fantastic; get a copy now!
Conclusion on Personal Development books every Student should read:
From the ten personal development books every student should read, please pick one book and start with it.
You might give the excuse of time, but I want to tell you that you have enough time if you plan yourself well. Jim Kwik said, “Most people don’t read because they don’t value reading,” so VALUE reading and see yourself take a new course for your life.
I just remembered the quote from Jim Rohn where he said, “What a man reads pours massive ingredients into his mental factory and the fabric of this life is built from those ingredients.”
Start reading today and now! Pick a book among the personal development books every student should read.
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