Academic Probation – Everything you need to know

academic probation

The dean for academics reviews every student’s result to know their performance at the end of each academic year. You earn good academic standing when you have a cumulative Grade Point Average of 1.7 and above.

Before academic probation comes an academic alert, which is a warning given to a student which indicates that your grades will crumble if care is not taken.

Students (undergrad) with a CGPA of 1.7 and below receive an academic probation which normally last till the next semester unless there is an improvement.

Receiving an academic probation does not bring your schooling to an end, it’s more like a wake up call. So many other students end up in this situation too so you are not alone on the task.

What is Academic Probation?

When a student is admitted newly into a college, he or she is expected to have the grade requirement needed for enrollment into the college, and if he or she goes below that, the student fails out of college.

Academic Probation is therefore a period where a student, falling behind grades, is expected to put enough effort to maintain or make better grades. It is more of a sit-up call than a punishment like most students see it.

For a Master’s Student, failure to maintain a good academic standing point which is from 3.0 and above will result in academic probation.

Students placed on academic probation ought to fulfill the following

  • Pass a particular number of credits. This varies between colleges or universities.
  • Have a good CGPA.
  • Always meet with their academic advisor to make sure they are on track.

Students who don’t get back to having good grades have issues such as the following with their schools:

  • They can’t pursue their choice of course because they do not have enough good grades to do that.
  • If you fail to build up your CGPA then you will be suspended academically for a period of 12 months.
  • They can lose their financial aid entirely because you need to maintain a good grade for financial aid to be sustained.
  • They could flunk out of college or the university if their grades do not increase during the period of probation.

Financial Aid Eligibility:

You can appeal to your college or university again if you lose your financial aid. If you want to remain eligible for financial aid, then you have to do or have the following:

  • You have to maintain a satisfactory grade or CGPA.
  • Show you making progress in your academics.
  • Avoid having incomplete results in a semester.

Read this: Capstone Project (Everything you need to know)

Why are students put on academic probation?

Students are put on academic probation for various reasons. Some of those reasons include:

  • Not being prepared academically.
  • Skipping a lot of classes
  • Having a lot of classes to attend. Signing up for too many classes with barely enough time to study can affect your studies adversely, leaving you with a lot to catch up on.
  • Having very poor studying habit. This will adversely affect your studies.
  • Being stressed, depressed, frustrated or anxious.
  • Unexpected events or situations can affect one’s academic life.
  • When you are not interested in a particular course then you will not have a good grade in it because you will not be interested in studying the course after class.
  • Too much socialization or partying can affect one’s grades too as you would not have time to study.
  • When you do not have the required number of grades to pass a particular course then you will have issue in it.
  • Opting to go for a pass grade can adversely affect the student.

How to stop being on academic probation:

Most students think they can’t get off academic probation but it’s not true. You can stop being on academic probation by doing or engaging in these few policies although it differs in most colleges.

Schools normally give a time frame to students to help them get serious with their school work. This time frame actually varies from college to college or university to university.

  • Meet with your school advisor for counsel: They should meet with the student adviser to help them when it gets rough. Give them advice on how to help them come out of academic probation. They would also help the student stay on track.
  • Build up your grades: Try to maintain a good grade by sitting up and you would go back to good academic standing.
  • Go to class: Many students think they can just write their exams without going to classes probably because there is no one to check up on them and tell them what to do. Most lecturers teach more than what is written in the text book and most students don’t understand that so they end up making so much errors.
  • Learn to participate while in class: It’s just not about going to classes but also engaging in the class discussion and participating during class activities.

Read this: Academic Goals strategies for Beginners

I hope this article helps you out with whatever issue you have about academic probation.

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