GRE to IQ (Meaning, syllabus, conversion, IQ test)


GRE to IQ estimation is a great technique for measuring intelligence.

Besides the fact that most people measure IQ for the fun of it or for personal interests, schools, companies, and even the military use IQ test results to identify individuals with high intellectual abilities.

GRE, which means “Graduate Record Examination,” is a standard examination for students aspiring to complete a graduate program in most countries.

It also measures aspiring students’ readiness for graduate school. 

Nevertheless, using a simple formula from several analyses, GRE test scores can effectively estimate one’s IQ.

Hence, in this article, the scope and syllabus of the Graduate Record Examination, several important information about these exams, the factors that make this exam difficult with ways to overcome them, how to estimate IQ using GRE scores, and other ways to calculate IQ will be discussed.


What is the Graduate Record Examination?

The Graduate Record Examination is a standard test designed and coordinated by the Education Testing Service (ETS) to measure the preparedness of aspiring students for graduate programs.

GRE is an important admission requirement for master’s and doctorate programs in most universities worldwide, and it is also a great way to estimate students’ IQ.

GRE General Test and GRE Subject Test are the major categories of the Graduate Record Examination. 

However, GRE General Test is an exam that tests student’s quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, and analytical writing skills.

On the contrary, the GRE Subject Test assesses students’ abilities in particular subjects like Literature in English and Biology.

Moreover, students must take the tests using computers or the conventional pen-and-paper examination pattern.

Nevertheless, Computer-Based Tests are only available for aspiring students who want to run their graduate program overseas.

Can You Convert the GRE to IQ?

Turning GRE scores into IQ scores isn’t really possible.

The GRE is a test used for getting into grad school and looks at things like how well you understand words and math.

IQ tests, on the other hand, try to measure how smart you are.

The way these two tests work and what they measure are very different.

So, you can’t say a GRE score equals a certain IQ score. They’re just not the same kind of test.

GRE to IQ: How to estimate IQ using GRE scores 

Estimating IQ using GRE scores is simple and easy, and you can do so by following the steps below;

  1. Add up your Verbal and Quantitative GRE test scores.
  2. Calculate your IQ by using the formula; 

IQ = [(Verbal score + Quantitative score – 302.69)/15.35](15) + 111

A student who hits an IQ score above 147 has a high IQ. While one that hits a score less than 69 has a very low IQ level and may likely be suffering from a learning disability.

Other ways to calculate IQ

GRE test remains an excellent way to calculate IQ; nevertheless, in the absence of a GRE test score, you can estimate human IQ using the following tests;

  1. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
  2. Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
  3. Stanford Binet
  4. ACT Composite
  5. SAT
  6. Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales
  7. Raven’s Progressive Matrices

Syllabus Of Graduate Record Examination

The syllabus of the Graduate Record Examination General Test is designed based on the categories of this test, which are Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing, and their scope includes;

1. Verbal Reasoning Syllabus

The syllabus of verbal reasoning in the GRE General Test comprises three sub-sections, namely;

– Reading comprehension: 

In this section, the understanding abilities of students are tested using comprehension.

Students must answer questions from two or three, four to five paragraphed comprehensions based on social science, natural science, and humanities.

However, to correctly answer questions, reading the passages repeatedly is very important to identify answers to questions easily.

– Sentence Equivalent

Students’ abilities to add meaning to a half-finished paragraph are tested, and their grammatical-building capabilities are analyzed.

– Text completion

Under this section, students should complete a sentence using the right vocabulary from a text collection.

2. Quantitative Reasoning Syllabus

In Quantitative Reasoning, the test examines students’ capabilities to tackle challenges using calculated methods.

Moreover, to score good points here, students must develop the ability to comprehend, evaluate, and deduce quantitative problems using good arithmetic and data analysis skills.

Questions in this section come from a measure of central tendency, Venn diagrams, Area and Perimeter, Speed and Distance, Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound Interest, Quadratic inequalities, Probability, and many others.

3. Analytical Writing Syllabus

In this section, students should complete two tasks centered on;

  • Analyse and Argument: Students will assess an argument according to some guidelines. 
  • Analyze and Issue: Students will profer a solution to a common problem using some specific directives.

Read this: Top 10 Hardest Exams in the World

The Syllabus of the GRE Subject Test

GRE Subject Test assesses the learnable abilities of aspiring students of a graduate program in the following disciplines;

  • Mathematics: The exams center on algebra, number theory, and calculus, and students must learn to tackle technical calculation questions.
  • Literature in English: This is another important subject, and here, students should exercise their literary study skills by identifying and analyzing several literary books.
  • Psychology: Psychology may be the unpopular subject on this list; however, students must clearly understand several aspects.
  • Biology: Ecology, Evolution, Cellular, and molecular biology remain the key areas of concentration.
  • Physics: Students should expect questions on Thermodynamics, Nuclear Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Atomic Physics, and Optics theory. 
  • Chemistry: Here, the test examines a student’s extensive knowledge of Organic and Physical chemistry and, to a lesser extent, Inorganic and analytical chemistry in Chemistry.

GRE to IQ: Things to note about Graduate Record Examination(GRE)

The Graduate Record Examination is a very technical test that gives no room for personal errors caused by ignorance.

Hence, aspiring graduate program students must note the following information before writing the examination.

1. Structure of the Exams: 

In the general test, 25 questions are available in the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections, with students expected to complete a single task or, in some cases, the two functions in the Analytical Writing section.

On the contrary, the subject test offers 130 multiple-choice questions from its six disciplines.

2. Cost of the Exams: 

Although the cost of the Graduate Record Examination differs in every country, the average cost is around $205 globally.

3. Usage of Calculators:

There are provisions for calculators at the test center for Paper-Based Test candidates.

On the other hand, live calculators built into the test software are available for Computer-Based candidates.

4. Average pass mark: 

The average pass mark set by most colleges for their aspiring students is 150, which comes from GRE General Test scores of Quantitative and Verbal sections only.

However, scoring 4 or above on a 6-point scale in the Analytical Writing section is considered a good performance.

5. Duration of the Exams: 

A GRE General test will last 3 hours and 45 minutes.

Under this schedule, students are expected to complete two tasks in the Analytical Writing Section in just 60 minutes.

However, Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning tests last only 60 minutes and 105 minutes, respectively.

Moreover, ETS advises that you arrive at your examination centers at least 30 minutes before the commencement of exams.

Read this: What is GED? (Quick tips about this test)

6. When can I take the GRE?

Because the Graduate Record Examination comes on a first-come, first-served basis, candidates must pick their preferred test day and finish their registration early.

7. Results: 

ETS sends results to the school of your choice within 10 to 15 days from the day of the exam.

8. Validity of Scores: 

GRE test scores are valid for five years from the test date.

GRE to IQ: Common factors that make GRE difficult and ways to overcome them

Just like every standard test, the GRE is a difficult exam that requires skill and knowledge. Most people even consider the GRE more difficult than the ACT and SAT.

However, the GRE is a test that is easier than GMAT and MCAT, and students will do well if they overcome the following major success hurdles;

Puzzling Vocabulary 

GRE tests students on vague vocabulary that are complicated and challenging under the Verbal Reasoning section. It is even more difficult for students who are not conversant with the English Language.

However, students can overcome this hurdle by acquiring common vocabulary words as GRE repeats most.

Tricky phrasing of questions

Most questions in GRE tests are very tricky and require deep analysis and logical thinking to get answers, as seen in the Quantitative Reasoning section.

However, you can overcome this by practicing enough problems and assessing wrong answers to identify and avoid trick patterns.

Technical Computer-Based Testing Method

For Computer-Based Test candidates, failure to master the techniques of Computer-Based Tests will harm your chances of excelling in GRE tests.

However, familiarizing yourself with the test format using mock GRE tests downloaded from ERT servers will help immensely.

Complex Mathematics

The mathematics division of a GRE Subject Test comprises questions from difficult mathematical concepts. However, there is no room for preferential treatment for people who have not taken a mathematics class before.

Hence, you can overcome this challenge by joining a mathematics tutoring class ahead of the examinations, downloading valuable mathematics Prep books, and asking a good friend to help you.

Time Challenge

A GRE test can take up to three hours and 45 minutes. However, it is almost impossible to complete 90% of the test within that time.

Hence, to balance speed and accuracy, constantly practice mock tests to know the sections that will take a lot of time and develop the right strategy for tackling questions here.

Also, do not forget to move on to the next question when stuck in any question.



IQ tests serve several important reasons. For instance, it serves as a medium to detect exceptional kids in schools and the military, aspirants with cerebral deficiencies.

Also, companies now use IQ tests to identify applicants with high problem-solving and logical reasoning abilities.

Graduate Record Examination is a great way to estimate IQ, and this article supplies sufficient information on GRE tests and steps for evaluating IQ using GRE scores.

Awesome one; I hope this article answers your question.

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