School is about to resume, you will soon start going back to continue the school activities. Have you figured out the biggest Mistake a College Student can make? If you are a fresher, have you figured out “What not to do as a college Freshman” or even the mistakes made as a Student?
Sometimes the things you are doing might not really look like a mistake to you but it can affect you later in the long run.
The Biggest Mistake a College Student can make:
1. Not Asking Questions:

This is one of the biggest Mistakes a College Student/ freshman can make.
You feel you are too big to ask questions in the lecture hall or you feel that people will laugh at you if you ask questions etc.
All these are not true, one thing you have to understand about asking questions in college is that you get to understand better when you ask questions.
Even if you might not have the courage to ask the lecturer, you can meet someone that understands better to explain to you.
In College, if you want to make Straight A’s in college you need to step out of your comfort zone.
Don’t let these mistakes made as a student affect you drastically.
Related: How to make Straight A’s in College.
2. Spending Recklessly:

It’s natural to spend money as a freshman In college but not recklessly.
This is what not to do as a college freshman because it will affect you in the long run.
For you to have money to do extracurricular activities, you need to master the art of saving money for later use.
There are times that you have to let off want to serve a need.
You can want a new phone, but you need to pay your school fees. So, the fees should be paid first before buying a new phone. That’s following the scale of Preference.
This should be listed as one of the biggest Mistakes a College Student can make.
Mistakes made as a Student
3. Avoiding Classes:

This is one of the biggest Mistakes a College Student can make…skipping Classes.
Just because people say funny things about school like, “School is a waste of money”,
“School is a Scam” etc doesn’t mean that school has lost its value.
Don’t forget your reason for being in school, people around you can say funny things about school but try your best to follow
school activities don’t skip classes and do the necessary assignments and tests.
Skipping classes will make you lose focus and understanding of what is being taught because you will not understand what the
the professor is talking about it in the present class since it’s a prerequisite of the previous class.
Related: Fun Classes You should take in College
4. Dressing Anyhow:

Yea, this should be tagged among the mistakes a college student can make, most importantly for the ladies.
Maybe you want to show off, you want people to notice the way you dress that is why you dress in a reckless way.
It’s a mistake that will put you into trouble because when you dress that way you arouse sexual feelings in the guys which can lead to rape or harassment.
The best way to dress is to wear something that you will be comfortable In, something that will cover your body well…remember this “You are addressed the way you dress“.
An important tip to be added to the Biggest Mistake a College Student can make. Have you read this? Study Routine of a College Student
5. Depending too much:

This is an issue that you need to tackle as a college student…Depending too much.
Depending too much on someone to help you pass an exam, to teach you, help you do an assignment will affect you drastically in college.
If you want to do well in college and be more productive, you need to learn how to be independent and work on your weakness as a college. Over-dependence will cost you a lot.
The same thing applies to your parents too, you don’t have to depend on them solely for your needs at a college, you can get a skill in college and make money from it to support yourself.
Over dependence, is one of the common mistakes made as a student that can be corrected on the long run.
Other mistakes freshmen make in college include “Always being online”, “Talking abusively”, etc. All these and many more need to be corrected to keep progressing in College.
Thanks for reading this post.
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